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A TypeScript port of the famous Turtle JS project.

πŸ“” Complete documentation -> Here

🐒 What is BetterTurtle ?

Turtle JS is a graphic library based on the LOGO programming language aimed towards education. It allows JavaScript beginners to handle programming in a very graphic way, every action is rendered visually, making it easy to understand the principles of programming. BetterTurtle is an improved version of the many existing ones into TypeScript.

πŸ“₯ Installation

Option 1 - Include in a HTML script tag

You can directly include a minified (No IntelliSense) version of the code into your HTML page.

<script src=""></script>

Option 2 - Install from NPM

npm install --save better-turtle

Option 3 - Clone and build from source

# Clone the repo in your project directory
git clone

# Build the library
cd "better-turtle" && npm i && npm run build

# Then install it to your project

## 1 - Browser
npm exec webpack && mv dist/main.min.js ../turtle.min.js

## 2 - NPM
cd ../ && npm install better-turtle

βŒ› Quickstart

In browser

const { Turtle } = BetterTurtle;

// Get an HTML Canvas element
const canvas = document.getElementById('my-canvas-element-id');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

// Instanciate a new Turtle
const tur = new Turtle(ctx);

tur.goto(-350, 0).forward(60).left(50).forward(300);


import { createCanvas } from 'canvas';
import { Turtle } from 'better-turtle';

const canvas = createCanvas(400, 400);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

const turtle = new Turtle(ctx);


πŸ”— Exposing methods

Using the .expose method, it is possible to expose a Turtle instance's methods onto a JavaScript Object. It is particularly useful when using it with a global object such as the window object in browsers.

Note: It is possible to remap the methods with the optionnal parameter. Further details in the docs πŸ“”

const turtle = new Turtle(ctx);


// ...


⏲️ Events

The Turtle class extends the EventEmitter Class. Allowing you to listen to events such as 'step' or 'forward' when the turtle is in StepByStep Mode.

const turtle = new Turtle(ctx);

turtle.on('step', (step) => {
  console.log(`The turtle has done an action: ${step}`);


In this exemple, every action will be logged in the console.