An Efficient ProxyPool with Getter, Tester and Server
v2ray linux GUI客户端,支持订阅、vemss、ss等协议,自动更新订阅、检查版本更新
Rapid fuzzy string matching in Python using various string metrics
Pyzotero: a Python client for the Zotero API
Python API and command-line tool for Sci-Hub
v2ray linux gui 客户端,支持vmess协议,支持订阅,docker封装链接:
An unofficial python package to translate text using
v2ray2json is a Python script for converting 'vmess://', 'vless://', 'trojan://', 'ss://', etc. subscription format to JSON config. (vmess to json - vless to json - trojan to json - ss to json)
An useful client of v2ray for linux.You can download from
Parse unread emails from Google Scholar alerts and sort publication by relevance
Simple transparent proxy on your router via v2ray/ss
A tiny command-line translator was implemented in Plumbum. + Google Translation + Gemini + OpenAI
A simple (and hacky) script that uses the Gmail API that repackages Google Scholar alerts as a digest
Various scripts and files in bash, perl, python kodi etc