concurrent spark context with Emr-Livy and redshift star schema.
Pipeline Consist of various modules.
- EMR Cluster with Spark and Livy
- Data Warehouse ( Spark, Airflow, Redshift Database)
- Analytics Module
The IAM roles and EMR cluster with two EC2 nodes are first created, After which Data is read from an S3 bucket to an EMR cluster for processing. To enable parallel processing of spark jobs, AWS Livy is used to create various spark context for spark job processing. After the data processing is done, the resulted parquest file is loaded to an S3 bucket called the processing sink. Afterwhich a Redshift cluster is created for the Data warehouse. Data is then moved from an S3 processing sink to a staging area in Redshift having the required created tables. The data is then transformed from the staged area to a Star schema required for analytical processing. To verify the data integrity after completing this ETL pipeline, some analytical queries are run on the relational data.
Note: the created EMR cluster, Redshift cluster and AWS roles are deleted after the execution of the last DAG
Automated pipeline
Environment Set-up
EMR - 1 master node
EC2 - 1 slave node
Redshift - 1 node
Python version
python 2.7
Airflow backend database
postgresql (metadata database)
rabbitmq (Celery result backend)
Airflow version
version 1.10.15
Celery version
version 4.3.1
to setup the required backend see set-up backend
Setting Up Airflow.
This project uses some custom opereators as well as Airflow operators. Airflow variables are used to hold some static values required for authentication to an AWS account. An Access key and Secret key, Cluster parameters, AWS region, e.t.c.
Airflow Variables
The variables are used to create the required resources. Since the Redshift cluster is created within the pipeline, a postgre psycopg2 database connector is used to establish connection to the Redshift database.
An AWS Infrastructure as code module 'boto3' is used to build the required resources. Both boto3 and psycopg2 are python modules that needs to be installed. To install modules on python 2.7.
pip install psycopg2
pip install boto3
The project contains some major folders and Files inside the Dags and Plugins folder.
- The helpers folder, containing the sql ingestion code, to insert data into the database.
- The operators folder, containing all the custom operators used in the project.
- The Airflow lib folder, containing the emr_lib file for creating the clusters and an IAM_lib file for creating the required roles to be assumed by the created resources.
- The Sparkjob folder, containing the spark scritps to be posted to the EMR cluster using the Livy API post request.
- The sqlTemplate folder, containing the SQL create table statements.
- The main_dag_run file, the entry point for executing the Dags and all processes.
- The subdag file, for sub-processes to the main Dag.
To start Airflow after installation and setting up the backend database
-Start airflow
airflow db init
-Start the Web server on desired port (8081 used)
airflow webserver -p 8081
-Start airflow scheduler
airflow scheduler
-Start airflow executor
airflow celery worker
Once the dag is ready and avaliable from the Airflow Web UI, it runs according to defined start date and does a back-filling if the start date is in the past.
A completed Dag run, with start date set to 'two days ago'.
Dag graph view
Dag tree view
For data integrity check, an analytical query is run on the relations to verify its consistency with the expected data quality and it's result is logged in a log folder. This check is done within the pipeline with a custom operator called Data Quality Check .
Data_qualtiy_check graph view.
Data_qualtiy_check tree view.
Star Schema
The Analytical Data model contains a fact table of the event, which is arrriving the USA. And also some dimension tables to provide context on the event. The dimension table ought to provide broader context of the events in the fact table. The Tourist dimension table provides information used to identify the tourist, The State destination dimension table provides information on the state to which the tourist will be living in the USA, this could be drilled down to the city if it was provided in the immigration data, but for security purpose it wasn't. The Airport dimension table provides information on the airport on arrival, which could be useful for further security checks on the tourist. The arrive date dimension table provides information on the time of arrival and also includes the average temperature on the day of arrival. The fact table provides information which includes arrival flag, departure flag, update flag if the tourist has extended his stay beyond the departure date, and match flag to match his arrival date and departure date. Since this analytical schema is designed for surveillance, the flags are the key metrics. Other purposes can also be achieved with this schema.
Tourist who arrived the USA in the month 0f Apri 2016 and their flags?
%sql SELECT D.Tourist_id,F.arrivedate_id,F.departdate,F.arrivalFlag,F.departureFlag,F.updateFlag,F.matchFlag FROM ((factArrivetheUsa F JOIN dimTourist D \
ON F.Tourist_id = D.Tourist_id) \
JOIN dimArriveDate A ON A.arrivedate_id = F.arrivedate_id) \
WHERE CAST(F.arrivedate_id AS date) < F.departdate AND A.year =2016 AND A.month = 4 LIMIT 10;
Tourist who arrived the USA in the month 0f Apri 2016 and has updated flag?
%sql SELECT D.Tourist_id,F.arrivedate_id,F.departdate,F.arrivalFlag,F.departureFlag,F.updateFlag,F.matchFlag FROM ((factArrivetheUsa F JOIN dimTourist D \
ON F.Tourist_id = D.Tourist_id) \
JOIN dimArriveDate A ON A.arrivedate_id = F.arrivedate_id) \
WHERE CAST(F.arrivedate_id AS date) < F.departdate AND F.updateFlag != 'Nil' AND A.year =2016 AND A.month = 4 LIMIT 10;
Note: the flag symbols has special meaning which were not provided in the dataset
After installing Airflow and celery executor. run the airflow db init command to generate the airflow config file. In the airflow config file, edit the airflow backend and executor backend database as discusssed above. Also add Dags and Plugins directory Path in the config file for the dag and plugins Folder.
Clone the dags and plugins folder from this remote repository into your local Dags and Plugins folder. Set up the airflow variables with AWS Access Key, AWS Secret key and cluster variables.
Create an S3 bucket and upload the four datasets in this repository.
look at the files inside the sparkjob folder, to edit the bucket source name and bucket sink name to match your defined names.
Aws account sets up a default security group, you will need two additional security groups for the master node and slave node. Set up this additional security group in your aws Ec2 - Network & Security - Security groups page. Allow inbound traffic to the master node than only port 22 by listing the required inbound ports in your aws EMR - block public access page (port 80, port 5439 for redshift, and port 8998 for emr-livy are listed for this project).
The emr_lib file contains a create_default_security_group() function with a vpc (virtual private cloud) id, edit this id to match your vpc id for the region your account is created.
This project can be used as a model to design your own custom Automated pipelines utilizing EMR, EC2, SPARK, LIVY and REDSHIFT in a cost efficient manner.