This project contains the starter code for our course: DevOps Deployment Automation with Terraform, AWS and Docker.
It contains the code you should have by the end of our Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django REST Framework - Advanced course. We've created this snapshot, in-case we update the aforementioned course in the future.
This project runs using Docker. It should work consistently on Windows, macOS or Linux machines.
Follow the below steps to run a local development environment.
- Ensure you have the following installed:
- Clone the project,
to it in Terminal/Command Prompt and run the following:
docker compose up
- Browse the project at
To create a superuser to access the Django admin follow these steps.
- Run the below command and follow the in terminal instructions:
docker compose run --rm app sh -c "python createsuperuser"
- Browse the Django admin at [] and login.
To clear all storage (including the database) and start fresh:
docker compose down --volumes
docker compose up
This section contains supplementary documentation for the course steps.
This course uses aws-vault to authenticate with the AWS CLI in the terminal.
To authenticate:
aws-vault exec PROFILE --duration=8h
with the name of the profile.
To list profiles, run:
aws-vault list
ECS Exec is used for manually running commands directly on the running containers.
To get shell access to the ecs
aws ecs execute-command --region REGION --cluster CLUSTER_NAME --task TASK_ID --container CONTAINER_NAME --interactive --command "/bin/sh"
Replace the following values in the above command:
: The AWS region where the ECS cluster is setup.CLUSTER_NAME
: The name of the ECS cluster.TASK_ID
: The ID of the running ECS task which you want to connect to.CONTAINER_NAME
: The name of the container to run the command on.
Below is a list of how to run the common commands via Docker Compose.
Note: The below commands should be run from ther
directory of the project, and after authenticating withaws-vault
To run any Terraform command through Docker, use the syntax below:
docker compose run --rm terraform -chdir=TF_DIR COMMAND
Where TF_DIR
is the directory containing the Terraform (setup
or deploy
is the Terraform command (e.g. plan
docker compose run --rm terraform -chdir=setup output
The output name must be specified if sensitive = true
in the output definition, like this:
docker compose run --rm terraform -chdir=setup output cd_user_access_key_secret
This section lists the GitHub Actions variables which need to be configured on the GitHub project.
Note: This is only applicable if using GitHub Actions, if you're using GitLab, see GitLab CI/CD Variables below.
If using GitHub Actions, variables are set as either Variables (clear text and readable) or Secrets (values hidden in logs).
: Access key for the CD AWS IAM user that is created by Terraform and output ascd_user_access_key_id
: AWS Account ID taken from AWS directly.DOCKERHUB_USER
: Username for Docker Hub for avoiding Docker Pull rate limit issues.ECR_REPO_APP
: URL for the Docker repo containing the app image output by Terraform asecr_repo_app
: URL for the Docker repo containing the proxy image output by Terraform asecr_repo_proxy
: Secret key forAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
set in variables, output by Terraform ascd_user_access_key_secret
: Token created inDOCKERHUB_USER
: Password for the RDS database (make something up).TF_VAR_DJANGO_SECRET_KEY
: Secret key for the Django app (make something up).
This section lists the GitLab CI/CD variables which must be configured to run jobs.
Note: This is only applicable if you are using GitLab CI/CD. If you are using GitHub Actions, see [#github-actions-variables](GitHub Actions Variables) above.
In GitLab CI/CD, all variables are set under Variables, and optionally set as masked (secrets hidden from output) and/or protected (restricted to protected branches).
Each variable and their state is listed below:
: Access key for the CD AWS IAM user that is created by Terraform and output ascd_user_access_key_id
: AWS Account ID taken from AWS directly.DOCKERHUB_USER
: Username for Docker Hub for avoiding Docker Pull rate limit issues.ECR_REPO_APP
: URL for the Docker repo containing the app image output by Terraform asecr_repo_app
: URL for the Docker repo containing the proxy image output by Terraform asecr_repo_proxy
(Masked): Secret key forAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
set in variables, output by Terraform ascd_user_access_key_secret
(Masked): Token created inDOCKERHUB_USER
in Docker Hub.TF_VAR_db_password
(Masked): Password for the RDS database (make something up).TF_VAR_django_secret_key
(Masked, Protected): Secret key for the Django app (make something up).
Check docker is running:
docker --version
Check aws-vault installed:
aws-vault --version
Check AWS CLI:
aws --version
Check AWS CLI Systems Manager:
Check docker compose:
docker compose --version
Configure Git:
git config --global
git config --global "User Name"
git config --global push.autoSetupRemote true
Check out our courses on
Or find them below:
- Python for Absolute Beginners
- Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django REST Framework - Beginner
- Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django REST Framework - Advanced
- Deploy a Serverless Django App on Google App Engine