Releases: CherryHQ/cherry-studio
Releases · CherryHQ/cherry-studio
- 数据备份和恢复支持进度显示
- 支持快捷引用模型回复内容
- 输入框可以手动调整大小
- 知识库文件支持一键删除
- 服务商列表支持查询(拖拽可排序)
- 增加代码块换行功能
What's Changed
- fix: show correct logo for qwen-omni-turbo by @alephpiece in #2656
- feat: Add quote feature by @ousugo in #2657
- 添加“腾讯云TI”供应商及其支持的deepseek模型 / Add new provider Tencent Cloud TI with deepseek by @0xfullex in #2685
- feat: Added reset avatar feature and center align items in userpopup by @ousugo in #2658
- Fix/1767 shadow markdown by @MyPrototypeWhat in #1871
- feat: improve SelectModelPopup by @alephpiece in #2740
- feat: add search function on provider list & optimize ui behaviors when dragging provider item by @0xfullex in #2706
- [Add Agent] German Tutor by @ViGeng in #2748
- feat: Save proxy setting by @ousugo in #2757
- feat: Add code block wrapping functionality by @DeJeune in #2411
- feat: Update model label format to include provider information by @ousugo in #2793
- refactor: Replace html2canvas with html-to-image for improved sup element by @DeJeune in #2739
- fix: Token counter display issues when translating assistant messages. by @Konjac-XZ in #2804
- feat(显示设置): 自定义css 增加cherrycss入口方便快速获取样式 by @LunaYJ in #2807
- feat: support table and hyperlink when export to word by @DeJeune in #2837
- feat: Enable conditional settings shortcut based on user preferences by @ousugo in #2830
- fix: Improve reasoning effort segmented control by @DeJeune in #2824
New Contributors
- @alephpiece made their first contribution in #2656
- @0xfullex made their first contribution in #2685
- @ViGeng made their first contribution in #2748
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.0.5
- 知识库增强: 优化了知识库的文件上传流程,并提供了更详尽的并发处理机制文档。
- 小程序集成: 新增了对知乎、Cici 和 小程序的支持,丰富了平台应用生态。
- Civil Engineer 助手: 引入了全新的 Civil Engineer 助手,为您提供专业领域的支持。
- 数学公式支持: 增强了对 KaTeX 公式的支持,现在可以复制和渲染更复杂的化学方程式。
- 模型支持: 新增了对 Hunyuan TurboS 模型。
- 推理控制: 为部分模型添加了推理工作量控制选项,让您可以更灵活地调整模型表现。
- 表情头像: 现在您可以使用表情符号作为头像,并支持上传自定义图片,同时完善了多语言支持。
- 消息提示: 为消息组菜单栏添加了工具提示,方便您快速了解功能。
- 全屏修复: 修复 Mac 全屏模式下的退出异常,并增加 ESC 键退出全屏模式
- 界面优化: 对多个组件进行了重构和样式优化,提升了视觉效果和交互体验。
- Emoji处理: 优化emoji表情符号检测机制, 改善头像渲染效果。
- 错误修复: 修复了多个已知问题,提高了应用的稳定性。
- 性能指标: 优化指标计算,token计算更准确。
What's Changed
- feat: Add Hunyuan TurboS model (launched on February 26) by @jorben in #2602
- feat: add MessageGroupMenuBar Tooltip by @GeorgeDong32 in #2600
- feat: Add reasoning effort control for Claude 3.7 by @DeJeune in #2540
- feat: Add emoji avatar support across multiple components by @yeongpin in #2473
- fix bug: #2306 by @kirahan in #2641
- fix: fix bug of metrics missing by @happyZYM in #2629
- chore: Enhance Styled Components configuration and prop handling by @MyPrototypeWhat in #2631
- fix: Fix app quit exceptionally on MacOS's full screen mode by @DeJeune in #2548
- feat: Add KaTeX copy-tex and mhchem support by @pilgrimlyieu in #2644
- Add Civil Engineer assistant by @jiange1236 in #2640
- feat: add miniapp by @shiquda in #2639
- Added Cici for mini App by @AkaShark in #2614
- refactor: Improve Ellipsis component and usage by @MyPrototypeWhat in #2603
New Contributors
- @jorben made their first contribution in #2602
- @kirahan made their first contribution in #2641
- @pilgrimlyieu made their first contribution in #2644
- @jiange1236 made their first contribution in #2640
- @shiquda made their first contribution in #2639
- @AkaShark made their first contribution in #2614
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3
What's Changed
- Update by @sunrise0o0 in #2213
- fix: 添加多个目录到知识库多个进度之间展示混淆 #2197 by @sijie-chan in #2198
- feat: Enhance knowledge popup input focus behavior by @ousugo in #2203
- feat: 用户侧消息快捷重试功能 by @dengshenkk in #2221
- feat: Add remark function to knowledge url by @ousugo in #2210
- feat: Improve support for the Codestral and additional Mistral models by @Alice39s in #2227
- fix:修复在备份和恢复备份时由于无法删除临时目录导致的功能终止 by @SagoLu in #2224
- fix: undesired assistant selection menu popup when no ' ' before '@' by @victkk in #2219
- feat: add shortcut to home window of mini app by @icinggslits in #2208
- fix bug: uniqueIds is null when uploaded directory by @eeee0717 in #2258
- fix: count reasoning content into token estimation by @victkk in #2276
- fix: folder spelling change by @Pleasurecruise in #2242
- feat: Adapt glmzeropreview thinking chain format, enhance message thought processing with flexible extractors by @ousugo in #2233
- feat: Add support for Gemini 2.0 and update Yi model configurations by @Alice39s in #2229
- feat: add new claude 3.7 model support by @preszzz in #2289
- feat: 添加更多C++文件扩展名支持 by @kindmesdilabso in #2288
- fix: 网络搜索添加时间信息 by @eeee0717 in #2255
- feat: Add fullscreen mode notification with localized message by @ousugo in #2299
- chore: Update Grok app logo and related images by @DeJeune in #2311
- fix: 修复深色模式下气泡样式的用户名样式错误问题 by @godcop in #2331
- feat: 新增导出到语雀功能 by @Aglargil in #2307
- feat: 知识库支持更多txt based格式, 包括org, wiki, ipynb by @liyuankui in #2330
- feat: Enhance reference prompt with language matching instruction by @ousugo in #2319
- fix bug: 深色模式对话导出渲染不正确 by @eeee0717 in #2322
- fix: Export image in dark mode by @icinggslits in #2332
- feat: Support more file drag and drop scenarios by @icinggslits in #2278
- feat: Improve think tag processing with more robust parsing by @ousugo in #2342
- feat: add web search settings by @eeee0717 in #2314
- add o3 by @sunrise0o0 in #2359
- feat: add better support for openrouter thinking format by @happyZYM in #2369
- feat: Add search button to the knowledge base, and adjusted the display for drag-and-drop uploads by @icinggslits in #2365
New Contributors
- @dengshenkk made their first contribution in #2221
- @Alice39s made their first contribution in #2227
- @SagoLu made their first contribution in #2224
- @victkk made their first contribution in #2219
- @Pleasurecruise made their first contribution in #2242
- @preszzz made their first contribution in #2289
- @kindmesdilabso made their first contribution in #2288
- @godcop made their first contribution in #2331
- @Aglargil made their first contribution in #2307
- @liyuankui made their first contribution in #2330
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
🌐 本次更新带来所有模型联网能力 (This update brings web search to all models.)
What's Changed
- feat: Auto-select newly added knowledge base by @ousugo in #2166
- fix: Enhance assistant emoji and popup UI interactions
Full Changelog: v0.9.29...v0.9.30
What's Changed
- fix: 添加目录到知识库任意一个失败界面上会展示失败 by @sijie-chan in #2143
- feat: Add Monica minapp by @aBER0724 in #2141
- fix: 复制聊天信息按钮显示不全 by @huangmiuXyz in #2163
- fix: Restore textarea focus after selecting mention model via mouse by @ousugo in #2146
- fix: Regenerat messages don't use @ specified models by @ousugo in #2145
New Contributors
- @sijie-chan made their first contribution in #2143
- @aBER0724 made their first contribution in #2141
- @huangmiuXyz made their first contribution in #2163
Full Changelog: v0.9.28...v0.9.29
What's Changed
- refactor: 翻译页UI重构 by @teojs in #1972
- fix: Ensure model is updated when setting default model by @ousugo in #1985
- feat: 为 Notion 导出添加可配置的页面名称 key by @CherryLover in #1956
- chore: Enhance issue templates with improved guidance and visual context by @ousugo in #1992
- feat: Add model generation check before narrow mode toggle by @ousugo in #1994
- feat: Add Doubao provider support for model type detection by @ousugo in #1991
- feat: Add PlantUML diagram support (via PlantUML offical online server) by @yrom in #1888
- feat: 添加翻译历史功能 by @teojs in #1997
- fix: fix the issue where the menu scrolls back to the top after click… by @FischLu in #2006
- fix(KnowledgeBase): fallback to text processing on JSON parse failure by @onlyfeng in #2053
- fix: fix translation by @FischLu in #2033
- add Dify miniapp by @littlepenguin66 in #1999
- fix: knowledge base status problem by @eeee0717 in #2058
- feat: Add backspace handling to remove last mentioned model by @jtsang4 in #2031
- feat: add shortcuts to open settings page by @eeee0717 in #1964
- feat: Add Thought Auto-Collapse Feature and Copy Functionality by @ousugo in #2015
- feat: Add emoji selection for assistant name by @ousugo in #2060
- feat: add developer tools button in MinApp for development mode by @yrom in #2009
- feat: Add re-confirmation for topic deletion by @ousugo in #2052
- feat: Add translate shortcut by @ousugo in #2110
- feat: Add message completion abort functionality by @MyPrototypeWhat in #2081
- feat: baidu ai search by @Layouwen in #2085
- feat: add "Copy as" options to topics right click menu by @luo-zi in #2095
- fix: add first message handling in mini home window by @DeJeune in #1975
New Contributors
- @CherryLover made their first contribution in #1956
- @onlyfeng made their first contribution in #2053
- @jtsang4 made their first contribution in #2031
- @luo-zi made their first contribution in #2095
Full Changelog: v0.9.27...v0.9.28
What's Changed
- feat: Enable search capability for Qwen commercial version model by @yrom in #1927
- Updated provider information by @sunrise0o0 in #1948
- fix: Update language options promptly by @icinggslits in #1945
- fix: 优化导出到Notion的相关提示、添加Notion配置文档按钮提示 by @GeorgeDong32 in #1939
- feat: Add German language support to translation options by @ousugo in #1940
- fix: update model identification with provider-specific uniqueness by @DeJeune in #1946
- feature: Adaptive height of textarea on translation page by @icinggslits in #1944
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.9.26...v0.9.27
What's Changed
- feat: Add kimi-latest model support in vision and model logos by @ousugo in #1909
- fix: Clicking the taskbar icon while enable the Quick Assistant can't open the main window by @ousugo in #1901
- fix: Refactor WebDAV i18n and UI for improved flexibility and localization by @lucifer9 in #1914
- fix: Improve DragableList component styling and placeholder handling by @ousugo in #1902
- fix: Recalculate token consumption after modifying the message by @ousugo in #1835
- feat: 知识库目录进度可视化 by @eeee0717 in #1920
- fix: 修复mac下快捷键注册control被替换成command的问题 by @LunaYJ in #1923
- fix: 解决生成过程中出现错误内容被清空覆盖问题 by @teojs in #1918
- feat: artifacts add open external by @eeee0717 in #1812
Full Changelog: v0.9.25...v0.9.26