A Python utility to get temporary AWS API keys for SAML-federated users, supporting 2FA
Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting
🛠 Tools and scripts to manipulate Android APKs
Slides from Clojure/West 2012
Chrome extension to tweak the NetBible UI
Slides for (first clojure-conj) talk, "Finger Trees, Custom Persistent Collections"
Slides for Strange Loop 2010 talk, "Clojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem"
An unbundling RFB (VNC) protocol server allowing sharing and management of individual windows for easy, remote collaboration such as pair programming.
Materials for a talk on Clojure Concurrency
Chouser / emacs_chrome
Forked from stsquad/emacs_chromeA Chromium "clone" of It's All Text for spawning an editor to edit text areas in browsers. Based on David Hilley's original Chromium extension.
A Chromium/Firefox "clone" of It's All Text for spawning an editor to edit text areas in browsers. Based on David Hilley's original Chromium extension.
Overlay a graphic with a grid of lines to fascilitate sketching.
Tools for managing tickets and patches against clojure and contrib
NOTE - the contrib libraries have moved to individual repos under Clojure:
richhickey / clojure
Forked from clojure/clojureNOTE: This repo (The Clojure programming language) has moved:
Code used to convert IRSSI IRC logs to the html format shown at
Dynamically load and use native C libs from Clojure using JNA
unofficial experiments for a self-hosted clojure compiler