message AboutMe {
option (api_version) = 29;
option (created_at) = {
chinese_year: "🐷",
year: 1995,
month: NOVEMBER,
day: 20
option (kind) = HUMAN;
option (metadata) = {
name: "Clément Jean",
from: "🇫🇷",
live_in: "🇨🇳",
languages: [ C, CPP, GO, JAVA, KOTLIN ]
option (status).work = CODING;
option (spec).purpose = "Helping others learn Protobuf and gRPC";
option (favorite) = {
number: 42,
emoji_sequence: "🙈🙉🙊"
Wonder if that ☝️ compiles? Check here. And credit where credit is due, this idea come from @BretFisher's README.