ASLS Studio is an open-source, web-based, DMX lighting control software and visualizer.
ClosetGeek-Git / phpembed
Forked from facebookarchive/phpembedSimplified API built on top of PHP SAPI
ClosetGeek-Git / janus-client
Forked from RTippin/janus-clientLaravel API wrapper to interact fluently with your Janus Media Server. Core server interactions, as well as the video room plugin included.
HTML and javascript knobs. Goal is to replicate the behavior of the knobs in Apple's GarageBand for iOS.
Automatically exported from
Lightweight C++ header-only library for processing OpenSoundControl (OSC) packets
A simple Json-RPC PHP client/server that just works.
Transport agnostic spec compliant JSON RPC client and server
IPMid implementation for Arduino using Multicast UDP
VsCode Live Server++ : It's Truly Live 😊 (BETA) -- [NOT RELEASED YET]
📦 Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Server implemented in PHP/HHVM, powered by ReactPHP.
This is a PHP (Ratchet) variation of websocket servers designed to benchmark the performance of both reliability and speed of various websocket implementations.
edumeet - multiparty web-meetings using mediasoup and WebRTC
Headless electron app platform for the cloud 🤕☁✨
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
WebRTC, WebRTC and WebRTC. Everything here is all about WebRTC!!
ClosetGeek-Git / Pht-with-Eventfd
Forked from tpunt/phtModified version of Pht threading extension to create eventfd socket streams within Pht's thread safe data structures.
Docker image of the Janus Gateway
Docker image for the Janus WebRTC Server
Write to a buffer without maintaining an offset or knowing its length
Define structures to use for parsing and serialization
Emulates ioredis by performing all operations in-memory.