A list of free courses where you can earn Credly digital badges. Feel free to contribute!
The Linux Foundation provides a neutral, trusted hub for developers to code, manage, and scale open technology projects. They offer a number of free courses where you can earn credly badges.
- Introduction to Linux - This prepares you for LFCS certification.
- Introduction to Kubernetes - This prepares you for KCNA, KCSA, CKA, CKAD and CKS certifications. Click on the corresponding links for the study guides.
- Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies
- Introduction to DevSecOps for Managers
- Introduction to GitOps - This prepares you for GitOps Certified Associate (CGOA) certification. Click here for the study guide.
- Introduction to Jenkins
- Introduction to DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering
- Introduction to Serverless on Kubernetes
- Scaling Cloud Native Applications with KEDA
- Introduction to AI/ML Toolkits with Kubeflow
- Introduction to Zero Trust
- Introduction to Cilium - This prepares you for Cilium Certified Associate (CCA) certification. Click here for the study guide.
- Introduction to Istio - This prepares you for Istio Certified Associate (ICA) certification. Click here for the study guide.
- Introduction to Backstage: Developer Portals Made Easy. This prepares you for CBA certification. Click here for the study guide.
- Getting Started with OpenTelemetry. This prepares you for OTCA certification. Click here for the study guide.
- Inclusive Open Source Community Orientation
Note: If you wish to purchase advanced courses or certifications, you can find discounts in this repository.
Cilium is an open-source, cloud-native solution for providing, securing, and observing network connectivity between workloads. You can earn digital badges by completing labs posted by Isovalent. Once you learn Cilium, you may consider taking the Cilium Certified Associate (CCA) certification! Click here for the CCA study gude.
- Getting Started with Cilium
- Discovery: Platform Engineer
- Discovery: Cloud Network Engineer
- Discovery: SecOps Engineer
- Getting Started with eBPF
- BGP on Cilium
- Cilium Egress Gateway
- Cilium Gateway API
- Cilium Cluster Mesh
- Mutual Authentication with Cilium
- Cilium Ingress Controller
Calico is a networking and security solution for containers, virtual machines, and native host-based workloads. Tigera offers four free courses, but it appears that only one course provides a free Credly badge.
Amazon Web Services has been providing world-leading cloud technologies that help any organization and any individual build solutions to transform industries.
- AWS Cloud Essentials
- AWS Knowledge: Serverless
- AWS Knowledge: Amazon EKS
- AWS Knowledge: Networking Core
- AWS Knowledge: Architecting
- AWS Knowledge: Compute
- AWS Knowledge: Events and Workflows
- AWS Knowledge: File Storage
- AWS Knowledge: Data Migration
- AWS Knowledge: Cloud Essentials
- AWS Knowledge: Media & Entertainment: Direct-to-Consumer and Broadcast Foundations
- AWS Knowledge: Data Protection & Disaster Recovery
- AWS Knowledge: Migration Foundations
- AWS Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner
AWSeducate is another free learning platform from AWS where you can earn badges with lab based courses on various topics while gaining hands-on experience.
- Introduction to Cloud 101
- Getting Started with Storage
- Getting Started with Compute
- Getting Started with Networking
- Getting Started with Databases
- Getting Started with Cloud Operations
- Getting Started with Security
- Getting Started with Serverless
- Machine Learning Foundations
- AWS DeepRacer Primer
- Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence
- Builder Labs
Broadcom is a global technology leader specializing in the design, development, and supply of a broad range of semiconductor and infrastructure software solutions. These courses will be completely removed from NDG services on August 15, 2025. Click here to learn more.
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