VoilaJS is a SAML ( Syntactically awesome markup language ) which boosts your static front-end development process by allowing you to write your HTML in the form of modules, very similar to React but, with a much less steeper learning curve! ( All you need to know is to write JSON
and that's easy! π)
The best part is HTML just became programmable π !! But how ?
What we thought was, CSS has it's programmable counter-part ( SASS ) why not HTML ? Guess what, now it has one, we call it SAML ( full form above ).
Just like other front-end frameworks, we too have out our own CLI to bootstrap your starter code.
$ npm i -g voila-cmd
Next, we need to initialize a project, it's simple!
$ voila init
This generates a voila.json
file in your project directory and also a config.js
file where you write all your HTML logic, sound's weird saying that doesn't it! π
title: 'forms',
description: 'forms',
css: 'Bootstrap',
entry: 'index.html',
author: '',
License: 'ISC',
git: false,
config: 'config.js'
You can also add git repository
to your project, voila automatically initializes a empty git repository with the needed files in .gitignore
$ cd directory
exports.root = [
div: [
id: 'root',
div: [
class: 'col-md-3'
h1: [
class: 'title1',
value: 'first h1'
class: 'title2',
value: 'second h1'
Above, is an example of a simple configuration, ( configurations need to be written in the JSON
format ).
gets compiled to the HTML
<root >
<div id="root" >
<div class="col-md-3" > </div>
<h1 class="title1" > first h1 </h1>
<h1 class="title2" > second h1 </h1>
Once, you've written your own configuration
, voila needs to parse and compile it into HTML
, to do that run...
$ voila load
We have built our own parser
that parses the JSON
configurations and converts them into it's equivalent HTML
is can be viewed by starting the server
, just run ...
$ voila start
- config.js
const { main } = require('./components/main');
const { navbar } = require('./components/navbar');
let Main = main();
let Navbar = navbar();
exports.root = [
div: [
id: 'root',
- main.js
module.exports.main = () => {
return [
class: 'container',
div: [
class: 'starter-template',
h1: [
value: 'Bootstrap starter template'
p: [
class: 'lead',
value: 'Use this document as a way to quickly start any new project.<br> All you get is this text and a mostly barebones HTML document.'
- navbar.js
module.exports.navbar = () => {
return [
class: 'navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark bg-dark fixed-top',
a: [
class: 'navbar-brand',
value: 'Logo'
button: [
class: 'navbar-toggler',
type: 'button',
span: [
class: 'navbar-toggler-icon',
We have added 2 examples one for Bootstrap
and other for Materialize
$ git clone this repository / download zip
$ cd example
$ voila start
View your static webpage server on http://localhost:(port)