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A tool to bruteforce API endpoints(Sends multiple concurrent requests to speed up the attack). MissYOU takes around 4 minutes with 24 threads in parallel to crack a 4 digit pin(otp). 
- Python3
- pycharm(Optional)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Check it in Action:
Click Here
python3 cb_missyou.py
- Only 4 digit pin bruteforcing is supported because 6 digit pin has 1 million combinations which is not practical to bruteforce.
- Multi-threading is locked to 24 threads but you can manually change it in code (variable name: lock -13th line). Don't increase it too much because your system may halt or crash.
- No user choice for entering response code (no reasons) but you can change it in the code(it's needed most of the time, default: ['response']['success']). Pull requests will be open and you can change the code too, I will merge it once i have reviewed the changes (special thanks will be credited).
- Bruteforce does not work when IP-ratelimiting or reset otp counter is in place.
- Let me know if there are any left.
More than 70% websites are running without IP-ratelimiting, with 4 digit reset pin, without number of tries counter. So, these sites can be easily hacked with MissYOU.
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