Govardhan Chitrada
- Italy
- https://govardhanchitrada.com
- @codebreaker444
- Pro
d3dviewer Public
Forked from potree/potreePCD viewer for browser (Potree alternative)
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 14, 2025 -
cesium-webxr Public
Forked from pupitetris/cesium-webxrPOC: Cesium with WebXR support
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 20, 2025 -
codebreaker444 Public
My Profile👤 ,A passionate A.I researcher with immense background in pentesting and programming in various technology fields.
1 UpdatedNov 26, 2024 -
openvscode-releases Public
Forked from gitpod-io/openvscode-releasesThis repo is only to produce releases for OpenVSCode Server.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 5, 2024 -
GAG Public
🚀Light weight API Gateway written in GO for routing Authenticated, Un-authenticated requests to their respective services with HTTP/gRPC.
Go MIT License UpdatedMay 3, 2024 -
fastapi-jwt-auth Public
Forked from IndominusByte/fastapi-jwt-authFastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use, and lightweight) - Now Support Pydantic V2
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 12, 2024 -
ONED-Official Public
The ONED project aims to provide a secure, accessible, and privacy-focused platform for sharing inter and intra-employee details and assets across various companies.
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 10, 2024 -
All RUST functions, data types, ownerships, control flow, crates, packages with commets based snippets.
Rust UpdatedMar 25, 2024 -
vr-viewer Public
Forked from rumicuna/cesium-vrPlugin for Cesium web-based virtual globe software to support the Oculus VR headset
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 17, 2023 -
codebreaker444.github.io Public
Hi there , I'm Govardhan Chitrada aka C0d3br3ak3r ☠️. I share my thoughts and findings related to security, Artificial Intelligence, hardware modding, networking, robotics, etc.
govardhanchitrada Public
Personal site written in react and node. Deployed📢 as github pages.
The implementation of the algorithm shows that OPTIMISTIC-AMSGRAD improves AMSGRAD in terms of various measures: training loss, testing loss, and classification accuracy on training/testing data ov…
Python UpdatedNov 7, 2021 -
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is a popular state-of-the-art Policy Gradient Method. It is supposed to learn relatively quickly and stable while being much simpler to tune, compared to other st…
A robot car that has light sensors to detect the light and follow it with the assistance of actuators(Motors). Deep learning feature to analyze and understand a person’s feelings by looking at the …
Python UpdatedNov 7, 2021 -
This work consists in the creation of a robust convolutional network that is able to discriminate covered or not covered faces in a more robust way to overcome mask presence in photos. This led us …
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 7, 2021 -
bitwarden_rs_heroku Public
Forked from davidjameshowell/vaultwarden_herokuBitwarden_rs self hosted in Heroku for Free!
Shell UpdatedFeb 24, 2021 -
arduino-projects Public
Checkout! my latest IOT, Pen testing, Robotics🤖 projects using arduino, sensors and actuators. Some projects integrated computer vision👀 (A.I) to employ real world applications.
online-quiz-application-written-in-java-with-jdbc-using-swing-splashscreen-login-register-quiz_timer Public
Written in java in eclipse IDE with java database connectivity using swing components.Questions are given directly in java instead of database.Ofcourse,you can change it.
dotfiles Public
All my Dev Environment Configuration files. Tmux.conf, .zshrc, alcaritty.toml, zprofile.
Shell UpdatedDec 27, 2020 -
raspberrypi-projects Public
Archive of rasberry pi projects mostly written in python. Best one: Flashes morse code when text is sent as an command line argument to deliver a secret message.
This is not a scientific model but instead a representation of it and i don't recommend it to be used for scientific purposes because this model has to be validated in real time which may take time.
A tool to bruteforce four digit pin(OTP) to API endpoints with support of concurrent requests using multi-threading.
As this problem is NP-COMPLETE.So, it is highly unlikely that quantum computers will be able to efficiently solve it across all instances.
Python UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
Learn python by reading the comments and tweak the code to figure it out yourself...