CodeEngine is still being developed and should be considered an early beta at this point. It may have bugs and/or performance issues, and we may introduce breaking changes as we solidify the API and functionality.
Code Engine is a highly customizable, plugin-based code generator. It can be used as a build tool, a static site builder, a file processor, or any workflow that entails reading input data, performing a series of transformations on it, and outputing the transformed data.
🔌 Plugable
Plugins can read data from any source (filesystem, database, CMS, etc.), process it in any way (compile code, compress images, render templates, etc.), and then output the data to any destination. -
🚀 Fast
CodeEngine is truly multi-threaded, so it takes full advantage of your multi-core CPU to process multiple files concurrently. -
👁 Incremental Re-Builds
CodeEngine watches your source files for changes and automatically re-builds only what needs to be re-built based on the changes. -
✨ Modern
CodeEngine uses bleeding-edge JavaScript features, so you can write plugins using the latest JavaScript syntax, includingasync
,for await...of
, etc. CodeEngine even natively supports TypeScript - no compilation step needed! -
🧩 Functional
CodeEngine plugins are pure functions that can easily be chained together in different ways to accomplish amazing things.
Install using npm. Add the -g
flag to install globally so you can run CodeEngine from any terminal window.
npm install -g code-engine
Contributions, enhancements, and bug-fixes are welcome! Open an issue on GitHub and submit a pull request.
To build the project locally on your computer:
Clone this repo
git clone
Install dependencies
npm install
Build the code
npm run build
Run the tests
npm test
Code Engine is 100% free and open-source, under the MIT license. Use it however you want.
This package is Treeware. If you use it in production, then we ask that you buy the world a tree to thank us for our work. By contributing to the Treeware forest you’ll be creating employment for local families and restoring wildlife habitats.
Thanks to these awesome companies for their support of Open Source developers ❤