Publicly shared solutions to the Coding Challenges.
Join the Discord Community.
To add your solution follow the process for making a pull request to an open-source project.
- Fork this repo and clone it.
- Create a branch and make your change.
- Push your branch to your fork.
- Open a PR against this repo.
- Build your own wc Tool
- Build your own JSON Parser
- Build your own Compression Tool
- Build your own cut Tool
- Build your own Load Balancer
- Build your own Sort Tool
- Build your own Calculator
- Build your own Redis Server
- Build your own grep
- Build your own uniq
- Build your own Web Server
- Build your own URL Shortener
- Build your own diff
- Build your own Shell
- Build your own cat Tool
- Build your own IRC Client
- Build your own Memcached Server
- Build your own Spotify Client
- Build your own Discord Bot
- Build your own LinkedIn Carousel Generator
- Build your own sed
- Build your own DNS Resolver
- Build your own Traceroute
- Build your own Realtime Chat Client and Server
- Build your own NATS Message Broker
- Build your own Git Client
- Build your own Rate Limiter
- Build your own Scheduling Automation App
- Build your own Lisp Interpreter
- Build your own Tetris
- Build your own QR Code Generator
- Build your own CronTab Tool
- Build your own head
- Build your own jq
- Build your own Pong
- Build your own curl
- Build your own HTTP(S) Load Tester
- Build Your Own Data Privacy Vault
- Build Your Own Password Cracker
- Build Your own Spell Checker using Bloom Filter
- Build Your Own Tar
- Build Your own Xxd
- Build Your own Chess
- Build your own Snake
- Build your own Pastebin
- Build your own Minesweeper
- Build your own Wheel of Names
- Build your own Password Manager
- Build your own Space Invaders
- Build your own HTTP Forward Proxy Server
- Build your own Redis Cli
- Build your own Sudoku
- Build your own Zip File Cracker
- Build your own brainf_ck interpreter
- Build your own Netcat
- Build your own Video Chat Application
- Build your own Mandelbrot Set Explorer