Initial F1 data command. Still a work in progress.
Initial F1 data command. Still a work in progress.
Migrating weather forecast from embed to image format.
Migrating weather forecast from embed to image format.
Merge branch 'main' into feature/weather-image-building
Merge branch 'main' into feature/weather-image-building
Added correct weather value.
Added correct weather value.
Show "0" as score if game has started.
Show "0" as score if game has started.
Stop logging every interaction.
Stop logging every interaction.
Merge branch 'main' into feature/weather-image-building
Merge branch 'main' into feature/weather-image-building
Greeting based on time of day.
Greeting based on time of day.
Removed animation. Added current temp.
Removed animation. Added current temp.
Morning message and weather as image.
Morning message and weather as image.
Layout for gameState
Layout for gameState