A curated list of static web site generators.
Use AnimeGANv3 to make your own animation works, including turning photos or videos into anime.
curtains.js is a lightweight vanilla WebGL javascript library that turns HTML DOM elements into interactive textured planes.
Visualization of all roads within any city
Draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data! Built with osmnx +matplotlib + shapely
Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
Video.js - open source HTML5 video player
HTML5 <audio> or <video> player with support for MP4, WebM, and MP3 as well as HLS, Dash, YouTube, Facebook, SoundCloud and others with a common HTML5 MediaElement API, enabling a consistent UI in …
An Upstatement-flavored starter theme for WordPress
Starter kit and delivery system for building static prototypes with Twig
Easy Parallax Effect for React & JavaScript
Stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects
A customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin.
A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll.
Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript. Give me 1 ⭐if it’s useful.
A WordPress plugin that provides native-like support for dated archive pages of custom post types (like:{custom-post-type}/)
Create WordPress themes with beautiful OOP code and the Twig Template Engine
Framework agnostic accessible input masking library
Apprendre à créer des blocs Gutenberg étape par étape
Tutorials and Examples for WordPress Plugin Boilerplate, a foundation for WordPress Plugin Development.
Body scroll locking that just works with everything 😏
A plugin demonstration on how to use WordPress WP_List_Table Class
This plugin reference elements from wp-admin in an overview with the necessary markup and CSS classes to help you to develop WordPress compliant.
This JavaScript library produces complementary gradients generated from the top 2 dominant colours in supplied images.
Mini projects built with HTML5, CSS & JavaScript. No frameworks or libraries
Create NW.js React apps with no build configuration.
A bare-bones CSS reset for modern web development.