A collection of my macOS automation scripts (Alfred workflow, AppleScript and JXA). To compile, run:
make all
A mega-workflow for Alfred that encompasses all of my custom automations. See its own README for details. To build just the workflow, run:
make alfred-workflow
Then install the workflow via:
open target/Process.alfredworkflow
I use an app I built called Anykey to assign hotkeys to some of the automations. The Anykey configuration file is automatically built from individual launchers.
Type nowc
into Alfred to get a list of current and upcoming events on your calendar and quickly open them in Calendar app.
Type nowl
into Alfred to get a list of links mentioned in current and upcoming events’ descriptions. Useful for quickly joining Zoom calls.
Insert a link to an event via Alfred search. Creates a bi-directional link via Hook app.
Contacts app is awkward to navigate with the keyboard so this is convenient for quickly copying fields to clipboard.
Insert a link to another contact via Alfred search. Creates a bi-directional link via Hook app.
Trigger the "Add/Edit tags" toolbar action for the selected file(s). The only way to assign a keyboard shortcut to this action, AFAIK.
Copies local URLs to messages in Apple Mail for quick referencing. URLs look like below and work both on macOS and iOS:
Safari doesn’t automatically focus elements highlighted via search by page (like Chrome or Firefox). However, it can be done with a bit of AppleScript. Read more on my blog.
GitHub allows linking to issues and PRs using the following short format: owner/repo#issue. I’m not aware of an easy way to quickly produce a link in this format. This script closes this gap for me.