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This is a collection of official Apple frameworks that being converting to a series of Mermaid diagrams or illustration for quickly to look up something and easy to understand when studying any new concepts.


MIT, CC-BY-4.0 licenses found

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License: MIT License: CC BY 4.0

Copyright (c) 2025 Cong Le. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents


Apple-Frameworks-in-Mermaid-Diagrams is a comprehensive collection of official Apple frameworks translated into Mermaid diagrams and illustrations. This project aims to provide developers, students, and enthusiasts with a quick and intuitive way to visualize and understand complex frameworks, facilitating easier learning and reference when exploring new concepts.

Mermaid is a popular JavaScript-based diagramming and charting tool that uses a simple markdown-like syntax. By leveraging Mermaid diagrams, this project ensures that the visual representations are both easy to create and maintain.


  • Comprehensive Coverage: Includes a wide range of official Apple frameworks.
  • Easy Visualization: Converts complex frameworks into clear and concise Mermaid diagrams.
  • Study Aid: Ideal for students and developers learning new frameworks.
  • Quick Reference: Easily look up framework structures and relationships.
  • Open Source: Contributions are welcome to expand and improve the diagram collection.


Comprehensive Rendering Pipeline Integration of MTLCommandQueue including GPU Execution Stages

Note: For more details and explanations, please refer to the dedicated note file on this topic.

Also, certain diagrams have interactive nodes (as the one below) which, when clicked, navigate to the official documentation for the respective keywords.

flowchart TD
    A[MTLDevice] -->|Creates| B(MTLCommandQueue)
    B -->|Creates| C[MTLCommandBuffer]
    C -->|Encodes| D{MTLLibrary}
    C -->|Encodes| E{MTLRenderPipelineState}
    C -->|Encodes| F[MTLDepthStencilState]
    C -->|Encodes| G["Vertex Buffers (MTLBuffer)"]
    C -->|Encodes| H["Fragment Buffers (MTLBuffer)"]
    C -->|Encodes| I["Textures (MTLTexture)"]
    C -->|Encodes| J["Samplers (MTLSamplerState)"]
    C -->|Creates| K[MTLRenderCommandEncoder]
    K -->|Sets| L[setViewport]
    K -->|Sets| M[setRenderPipelineState]
    K -->|Sets| N[setDepthStencilState]
    K -->|Sets| O[setVertexBuffer]
    K -->|Sets| P[setFragmentBuffer]
    K -->|Sets| Q[setVertexTexture]
    K -->|Sets| R[setFragmentTexture]
    K -->|Sets| S[setVertexSamplerState]
    K -->|Sets| T[setFragmentSamplerState]
    K -->|Draws| U[drawPrimitives/drawIndexedPrimitives]
    K -->|Ends Encoding| V[endEncoding]
    C -->|Commits| W[commit]
    W -->|Executes| X[GPU: Vertex Shader]
    X -->| | Y[GPU: Primitive Assembly]
    Y -->| | Z[GPU: Rasterization]
    Z -->| | AA[GPU: Fragment Shader]
    AA -->| | AB[GPU: Depth/Stencil Test]
    AB -->| | AC[GPU: Blending]
    AC -->|Writes to| AD["GPU: Render Target (MTLTexture)"]
    AD -->| | AE[Final Rendered Output]

   %% Styling
   style A fill:#f119,stroke:#543,stroke-width:2px
   style B fill:#551f,stroke:#543,stroke-width:2px
   style C fill:#f119,stroke:#543,stroke-width:2px
   style K fill:#551f,stroke:#543,stroke-width:2px
   style X fill:#91f,stroke:#543,stroke-width:2px
   style AA fill:#91f,stroke:#543,stroke-width:2px
   style AD fill:#6f19,stroke:#543,stroke-width:2px
   style AE fill:#21cf,stroke:#543,stroke-width:2px

   %% Open corresponding official Apple documentations when a node receives a click from user
   click A href "" "MTLDevice Documentation" _blank
   click B href "" "MTLCommandQueue Documentation" _blank
   click C href "" "MTLCommandBuffer Documentation" _blank



To use the diagrams in your projects or study materials, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository
git clone
  1. Navigate to the Project Directory
cd Apple-Frameworks-in-Mermaid-Diagrams
  1. Open the Diagrams

    Diagrams are available in .md (Mermaid) format. You can view them using any Mermaid-compatible editor or integrate them into your documentation.


Viewing Diagrams

  1. Directly open each file in this repo

    • You just need to simply open each .md file on this repo and GitHub will render the diagrams for you.
  2. Install a Mermaid Viewer on your local machine

Integrating Diagrams into Your Documentation

You can embed Mermaid diagrams in Markdown files using the following syntax and keyword mermaid:

%% Paste your Mermaid diagram code here

The rendered diagram from the above syntax code:

graph TD
    A[UIKit] --> B[UIView]
    A --> C[UIViewController]
    C --> D[UITableViewController]

Supported Frameworks

The project currently includes diagrams for the following Apple frameworks:

Note: This list is continuously expanding. Please check each folder in this repo for more frameworks. Contributions are welcome to add more frameworks.


Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn and grow. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the Project

    Click the "Fork" button at the top of this repository's page.

  2. Clone Your Fork

git clone
  1. Create a New Branch
git checkout -b feature/YourFeatureName
  1. Make Your Changes

    Add new diagrams or improve existing ones in each folder in this repo.

  2. Commit Your Changes

git commit -m "Add [Framework Name] diagram"
  1. Push to Your Fork
git push origin feature/YourFeatureName
  1. Create a Pull Request

    Go to the original repository and create a pull request from your fork.


  • Consistency: Follow the existing diagram styles and conventions.
  • Clarity: Ensure diagrams are clear, accurate, and easy to understand.
  • Testing: Verify diagrams render correctly in Mermaid viewers.


Here’s what we’re working on next:

  • Adding framework descriptions to diagrams for better context.
  • Creating a searchable interface for faster navigation.
  • Expanding coverage to include more niche frameworks and tools.
  • Supporting localized diagram translations for non-English users.


This project is licensed under the MIT License, which allows you to use, modify, and distribute the software as long as you provide proper credit to the original authors.

Software License

This software is licensed under the MIT License. You may use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and sublicense it, provided that you include the original license in all copies or substantial portions of the software.

Documentation License

The documentation and other creative materials for this project are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to share, adapt, and use the documentation, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original authors.



This is a collection of official Apple frameworks that being converting to a series of Mermaid diagrams or illustration for quickly to look up something and easy to understand when studying any new concepts.



MIT, CC-BY-4.0 licenses found

Licenses found






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