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Frontend for a simple ToDo app

Project is based on Create React App (v4), configured to use Typescript. It's a single-page-application, rendered on the client-side fully in JavaScript (React).

Styling is done with a CSS-in-JS approach via Emotion, using @emotion/styled which is similar to Styled Components.

πŸ› οΈ Development

πŸ‹ In Docker

The application has a dockerized, portable dev environment, to run the code on your machine all you need is to have Docker installed. Docker setup is mostly based on this article.


make build-dev

to create the development image. This command should create an image called todo-app-frontend-react:dev on your system.

now you can run it with

make run-dev

The app should be available on http://localhost:3001/ in your browser. Code changes should reflect immediately thanks to the Hot Module Reload (HMR) feature of Create React App.

If you wish to run the app on a different port, then you can do so by passing the PORT environment variable to the make command, like so:

make run-dev PORT=5050

Now the app should be available on http://localhost:5050

To tear down the dev environment, just exit the task running in your terminal (Ctrl + C) or find the container for the app (run docker ps), then look for the container in the list which is based on the todo-app-frontend-react image) and stop the container (docker stop <ID|NAME>)

πŸ’» Running it directly on your computer

If you don't want to use Docker for development you can also run the app directly.

In this case you need to have Node >= 10.16 and npm >= 5.6 installed.

  • Install dependencies with npm install
  • Run the project in development mode with the script found in package.json, this is npm run start

🏭 Production

The app is currently deployed to Github pages using the Deploy to Github Pages action.

The production URL is:

Important! The production-URL needs to be passed to CRA as the value of the PUBLIC_URL. Because it's hosted in a sub-directory, all script references will throw a 404 response, because the browser will try to load them from the base-URL. We use env.production file to pass this info at build time.

The deployed code the to the server resides in the release branch. Once you merge into master the github action runs automatically, the build artifacts get copied the release branch and they get synced with the live environment.

You can check out the build and deployment process in .github/workflows/main.yml.

🚒 Deployment

To start the Github action, you'll need to push a new tag (or create one using GitHub's web interface). Tags have to follow semantic versioning format and begin with v, so the correct tag name format is: v1.0.0.

πŸ‹ Production build with Docker

There's also a dockerized version of the production environment.

There's a production image defined in You can build this image by running:

make build-prod

Note! In this case we don't need to pass the Github pages production URL to CRA when building the app, so in the we set PUBLIC_URL=/.

To run a container based on this image:

make run-prod

The production version of the app should show up on port 3001. If you want to map this to a different port then just pass the PORT variable to the make command:

make run-prod PORT=5050