Board baseball - A board baseball game to teach the sport to spectators
Revenge at Hay Lake - A peg and card pursuit game for the whole family
Collapseable phone stand Lake - A collapsible cell/mobile phone stand suitable for travel and customizable to suit
designSVG2burnFiles - An XSLT stylesheet to convert declarative SVG into derivative SVG and associated burn files for a laser cutter machine.
PROFORMA - A skeleton game / project environment implementing Crane's environment, ready to copy and begin your own work.
The Declarative Amsterdam 2024 proceedings includes "Play Ball with SVG and XSLT" describing the approach of using XSLT to massage SVG designs into burn files, and the benefits of using such a process.
The Declarative Amsterdam 2024 presentation of the "Play Ball with SVG and XSLT" technical paper is avaialble for viewing (40 minutes, including audience Q&A).