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πŸš… LiteLLM Proxy for Google Cloud Generative AI


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LiteLLM Proxy for Google Cloud Generative AI on Vertex AI

This repository provides instructions to deploy a LiteLLM proxy server that allows you to interact with various Large Language Models (LLMs) hosted on Google Cloud Vertex AI using the OpenAI API format.

Screenshot: Lobe Chat

Supported models include:

  • Anthropic Claude
  • Google Gemini
  • Meta Llama 3
  • Mistral AI Large


  • Google Cloud Project with billing enabled
  • Cloud Shell access within your project

You can execute everything using the Cloud Shell in your project.

Open in Cloud Shell

Follow the steps below step by step (copy & paste).

Screenshot: Cloud Shell

Only skip steps if you know what you are doing and are confident.


Authenticate your Google Cloud Account:

gcloud auth login


Set Google Cloud project ID. Replace with your current Google Cloud project ID:


Set default gcloud project:

gcloud config set project "$MY_PROJECT_ID"

Set Google Cloud project number:

MY_PROJECT_NUMBER="$(gcloud projects list --filter="$MY_PROJECT_ID" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)" --quiet)"
echo "Google Cloud project number: '$MY_PROJECT_NUMBER'"

Set Google Cloud region: (Please note: Region other than us-central1 can cause problems. Not all services and models are available in all regions.)


Set Artifact Registry repository name for Docker container images:


Enable APIs

Enable Google Cloud APIs:

Only necessary if the APIs are not yet activated in the project.

gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Enable Vertex AI Models (Manual Step)

Navigate to the Model Garden model cards for each LLM you want to use and enable them:


Screenshot: Claude

Create Service Accounts

Service account for LiteLLM proxy (Cloud Run):

gcloud iam service-accounts create "litellm-proxy" \
    --description="LiteLLM proxy (Cloud Run)" \
    --display-name="LiteLLM proxy" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Grant access to the project and Vertex AI API service:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$MY_PROJECT_ID" \
    --member="serviceAccount:litellm-proxy@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --role="roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$MY_PROJECT_ID" \
    --member="serviceAccount:litellm-proxy@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --role="roles/aiplatform.user" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Create service account for building Docker container images (Cloud Build):

gcloud iam service-accounts create "docker-build" \
    --description="Build Docker container images (Cloud Build)" \
    --display-name="Docker build" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Grant access to store Docker container images:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$MY_PROJECT_ID" \
    --member="serviceAccount:docker-build@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --role="roles/artifactregistry.writer" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$MY_PROJECT_ID" \
    --member="serviceAccount:docker-build@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --role="roles/logging.logWriter" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Set service account ID from service account for the creation of Docker container:

MY_CLOUD_BUILD_ACCOUNT_ID="$(gcloud iam service-accounts describe "docker-build@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" --format="value(uniqueId)" --quiet)"
echo "Cloud Build account ID: '$MY_CLOUD_BUILD_ACCOUNT_ID'"

Artifact Registry

Create Artifact Registry repositoriy for Docker container images:

Only necessary if the repositoriy does not already exist in the project and region.

gcloud artifacts repositories create "$MY_ARTIFACT_REPOSITORY" \
    --repository-format="docker" \
    --description="Docker contrainer registry for LiteLLM proxy" \
    --location="$MY_REGION" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Storage Bucket

Create bucket to store Cloud Build logs:

gcloud storage buckets create "gs://docker-build-$MY_PROJECT_NUMBER" \
    --location="$MY_REGION" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Grant Cloud Build service account full access to bucket:

gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding "gs://docker-build-$MY_PROJECT_NUMBER" \
    --member="serviceAccount:docker-build@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --role="roles/storage.admin" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Docker Container

Build Docker container image for LiteLLM proxy:

gcloud builds submit \
    --tag="${MY_REGION}${MY_PROJECT_ID}/${MY_ARTIFACT_REPOSITORY}/litellm-proxy:latest" \
    --timeout="1h" \
    --region="$MY_REGION" \
    --service-account="projects/${MY_PROJECT_ID}/serviceAccounts/${MY_CLOUD_BUILD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    --gcs-source-staging-dir="gs://docker-build-$MY_PROJECT_NUMBER/source" \
    --gcs-log-dir="gs://docker-build-$MY_PROJECT_NUMBER" \

Deploy LiteLLM Proxy

Generate a random string which acts as an OpenAI API key:

MY_RANDOM=$(openssl rand -hex 21)
echo "API key: 'sk-$MY_RANDOM'"

Deploy LiteLLM proxy Docker container image as public Cloud Run service:

gcloud run deploy "litellm-proxy" \
    --image="${MY_REGION}${MY_PROJECT_ID}/${MY_ARTIFACT_REPOSITORY}/litellm-proxy:latest" \
    --memory=1024Mi \
    --cpu=1 \
    --cpu-boost \
    --port="8080" \
    --execution-environment=gen1 \
    --description="LiteLLM Proxy" \
    --region="$MY_REGION" \
    --max-instances=1 \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --service-account "litellm-proxy@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \

Done! Now wait three to five minutes and then you can test via the proxy the LLM models:

MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL="$(gcloud run services list --filter="litellm-proxy" --format="value(URL)" --quiet)"
echo "API host: '$MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL'"
echo "API key: 'sk-$MY_RANDOM'"

Test Google Gemini:

curl --location "${MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL}/chat/completions" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer sk-$MY_RANDOM" \
    --data '{"model": "google/gemini-1.5-pro", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "what llm are you" }]}'

Test Meta Llama 3:

curl --location "${MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL}/chat/completions" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer sk-$MY_RANDOM" \
    --data '{"model": "meta/llama3-405b", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "what llm are you" }]}'

Test Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

curl --location "${MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL}/chat/completions" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer sk-$MY_RANDOM" \
    --data '{"model": "anthropic/claude-3-5-sonnet", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "what llm are you" }]}'

Test Anthropic Claude 3.7 Sonnet (non-thinking):

curl --location "${MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL}/chat/completions" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer sk-$MY_RANDOM" \
    --data '{"model": "anthropic/claude-3-7-sonnet", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "what AI are you" }]}'

Test Anthropic Claude 3.7 Sonnet (thinking):

curl --location "${MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL}/chat/completions" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer sk-$MY_RANDOM" \
    --data '{"model": "anthropic/claude-3-7-sonnet", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "what AI are you", "thinking": {"type": "enabled", "budget_tokens": 1600}, "additional_drop_params": ["top_p", "top_k"]}]}'

Test Mistral AI Mistral Large:

curl --location "${MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL}/chat/completions" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer sk-$MY_RANDOM" \
    --data '{"model": "mistralai/mistral-large", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "what llm are you" }]}'

[Optional] Deploy Lobe Chat

Build Docker container image for 🀯 Lobe Chat frontend:

⏳ Will take approx. 15 minutes

gcloud builds submit "" \
    --git-source-revision="$MY_LOBE_CHAT_VERSION" \
    --tag="${MY_REGION}${MY_PROJECT_ID}/${MY_ARTIFACT_REPOSITORY}/lobe-chat:latest" \
    --timeout="1h" \
    --region="$MY_REGION" \
    --service-account="projects/${MY_PROJECT_ID}/serviceAccounts/${MY_CLOUD_BUILD_ACCOUNT_ID}" \
    --gcs-log-dir="gs://docker-build-$MY_PROJECT_NUMBER" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Create service account for Lobe Chat (Cloud Run):

gcloud iam service-accounts create "lobe-chat" \
    --description="Lobe Chat (Cloud Run)" \
    --display-name="Lobe Chat" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Generate a random string which acts as an password for Lobe Chat:

MY_ACCESS_CODE=$(openssl rand -hex 12)
echo "Password: '$MY_ACCESS_CODE'"

Deploy Cloud Run service with Lobe Chat frontend:

cp -f "lobe-chat-envs.yaml" "my-lobe-chat-envs.yaml"
echo >> "my-lobe-chat-envs.yaml"
echo "OPENAI_API_KEY: sk-${MY_RANDOM}" >> "my-lobe-chat-envs.yaml"
echo "OPENAI_PROXY_URL: $MY_LITELLM_PROXY_URL" >> "my-lobe-chat-envs.yaml"
echo "ACCESS_CODE: $MY_ACCESS_CODE" >> "my-lobe-chat-envs.yaml"
gcloud run deploy "lobe-chat" \
    --image="${MY_REGION}${MY_PROJECT_ID}/${MY_ARTIFACT_REPOSITORY}/lobe-chat:latest" \
    --memory=512Mi \
    --cpu=1 \
    --cpu-boost \
    --execution-environment=gen1 \
    --description="Lobe Chat" \
    --region="$MY_REGION" \
    --env-vars-file="my-lobe-chat-envs.yaml" \
    --max-instances=1 \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --service-account "lobe-chat@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Done! You can now access the Lobe Chat frontend and chat with the LLM models:

MY_LOBECHAT_URL="$(gcloud run services list --filter="lobe-chat" --format="value(URL)" --quiet)"
echo "Password: '$MY_ACCESS_CODE'"

Clean Up

If you want to delete everything, carry out the following steps.

[Optional] Delete Cloud Run service and service account from Lobe Chat frontend:

gcloud run services delete "lobe-chat" \
    --region="$MY_REGION" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

gcloud iam service-accounts delete "lobe-chat@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Delete Cloud Run service and service account from LiteLLM proxy:

gcloud run services delete "litellm-proxy" \
    --region="$MY_REGION" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

gcloud iam service-accounts delete "litellm-proxy@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Delete Artifact Registry repositoriy:

gcloud artifacts repositories delete "$MY_ARTIFACT_REPOSITORY" \
    --location="$MY_REGION" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Delete service account for the creation of Docker container (Cloud Build):

gcloud iam service-accounts delete "docker-build@${MY_PROJECT_ID}" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Delete bucket to store Cloud Build logs

gcloud storage rm -r "gs://docker-build-$MY_PROJECT_NUMBER" \
    --project="$MY_PROJECT_ID" \

Organization Policies

If your project is a standard Google Cloud project, no adjustments should be necessary and all the steps mentioned should work without errors.

However, if your Google project or organization has been customized and Organization Policies have been rolled out, the following may cause problems. Make sure they are set as mentioned here for your project.

Constraint Value
gcp.resourceLocations in:us-locations
run.allowedIngress is:all
iam.allowedPolicyMemberDomains allowAll

YAML for Fabric FAST Project Module:

    - allow:
        - in:us-locations
    - allow:
        - is:all
    - allow:
        all: true


All files in this repository are under the Apache License, Version 2.0 unless noted otherwise.