The CycloneDX Gradle plugin creates an aggregate of all direct and transitive dependencies of a project and creates a valid CycloneDX SBOM. CycloneDX is a lightweight software bill of materials (SBOM) specification designed for use in application security contexts and supply chain component analysis.
gradle cyclonedxBom
Output CycloneDX Generation Info:
gradle cyclonedxBom --info
build.gradle (excerpt)
To generate a BOM for a single project add the plugin to the build.gradle
plugins {
id '' version '2.2.0'
Once a BOM is generated, by default it will reside at ./build/reports/bom.xml
and ./build/reports/bom.json
You can add the following configuration to build.gradle
to control various options in generating a BOM:
cyclonedxBom {
// includeConfigs is the list of configuration names to include when generating the BOM (leave empty to include every configuration), regex is supported
includeConfigs = ["runtimeClasspath"]
// skipConfigs is a list of configuration names to exclude when generating the BOM, regex is supported
skipConfigs = ["compileClasspath", "testCompileClasspath"]
// skipProjects is a list of project names to exclude when generating the BOM
skipProjects = [, "yourTestSubProject"]
// Specified the type of project being built. Defaults to 'library'
projectType = "application"
// Specified the version of the CycloneDX specification to use. Defaults to '1.6'
schemaVersion = "1.6"
// Boms destination directory. Defaults to 'build/reports'
destination = file("build/reports")
// The file name for the generated BOMs (before the file format suffix). Defaults to 'bom'
outputName = "bom"
// The file format generated, can be xml, json or all for generating both. Defaults to 'all'
outputFormat = "json"
// Include BOM Serial Number. Defaults to 'true'
includeBomSerialNumber = false
// Include License Text. Defaults to 'true'
includeLicenseText = false
// Include resolution of full metadata for components including licenses. Defaults to 'true'
includeMetadataResolution = true
// Attempt to include the build-system URL by reading environment variables from common CI system such as GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Drone, Jenkins, Travis CI, and Circle CI. Defaults to 'false'
includeBuildSystem = true
// if includeBuildSystem is true, the given environment variables will be used to construct the build-system URL that will be included in the BOM. The dollar sign and curly braces (e.g. `${NAME}`) are required to specify an environment variable. Optional, defaults to `null`.
buildSystemEnvironmentVariable = '${CUSTOM_CI_URL}/jobs/${CUSTOM_JOB_ID}'
// Override component version. Defaults to the project version
componentVersion = "2.0.0"
// Override component name. Defaults to the project name
componentName = "my-component"
If you are using the Kotlin DSL, the plugin can be configured as following:
tasks.cyclonedxBom {
setSkipConfigs(listOf("compileClasspath", "testCompileClasspath"))
setSkipProjects(listOf(, "yourTestSubProject"))
Run Gradle with info logging (-i option) to see which configurations add to the BOM.
Generate BOM for multiple projects:
You can also build the BOM for multiple projects using the --init-script
gradle --init-script <path-to-init.gradle> cyclonedxBom --info
where the init.gradle
can look like this:
initscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "org.cyclonedx:cyclonedx-gradle-plugin:2.2.0"
apply plugin:org.cyclonedx.gradle.CycloneDxPlugin
cyclonedxBom {
includeConfigs = ["runtimeClasspath"]
skipConfigs = ["compileClasspath", "testCompileClasspath"]
skipProjects = [, "yourTestSubProject"]
projectType = "application"
schemaVersion = "1.6"
destination = file("build/reports")
outputName = "bom"
outputFormat = "json"
includeBomSerialNumber = false
includeLicenseText = true
componentVersion = "2.0.0"
componentName = "my-component"
The Plugin makes it possible to manually add Manufacture-Data and Licenses-Data to the Metadata of the BOM.
The structure of the Metadata is shown on
The editing of the Manufacture and Licenses-Data is optional. If the Manufacture/Licenses-Date isn't edited,
then the respective structure won't appear in the BOM.
To enable the modification of the metadata the cyclonedx-core-java plugin must be implemented in the build.gradle.
In order to be able to define the Manufacture-Data you must import org.cyclonedx.model.*; into the build.gradle.
You can add the Manufacture-Data by passing an Object of the Type OrganizationalEntity to the Plugin.
Example (groovy):
cyclonedxBom {
// declaration of the Object from OrganizationalContact
OrganizationalContact organizationalContact = new OrganizationalContact()
// setting the Name[String], Email[String] and Phone[String] of the Object
organizationalContact.setPhone("0000 99999999")
// passing Data to the plugin
organizationalEntity { oe -> = 'Test'
oe.url = ['', '']
Example (Kotlin):
cyclonedxBom {
// declaration of the Object from OrganizationalContact
var organizationalContact1 = OrganizationalContact()
// setting the Name[String], Email[String] and Phone[String] of the Object
organizationalContact1.setPhone("0000 99999999")
// passing data to the plugin
setOrganizationalEntity { oe -> = "Test";
oe.urls = listOf("", "")
It should be noted that some data like OrganizationalContact, Url, Name,... can be left out.
OrganizationalEntity can also include multiple OrganizationalContact.
For details refer to
In order to define the Manufacture-Data you must import org.cyclonedx.model.*; to the build.gradle.
You can add the license data by passing an object of the type LicenseChoice to the plugin. The object from LicenseChoice includes either license or expression. It can't include both.
Example (groovy):
cyclonedxBom {
// declaration of the object from AttachmentText -> Needed for the setting of LicenseText
AttachmentText attachmentText = new AttachmentText()
attachmentText.setText("This is a Licenses-Text")
// declaration of the Object from License
License license = new License()
// setting the Name[String], LicenseText[AttachmentText] and Url[String]
license.setName("XXXX XXXX Software")
// license.setId("Mup") // either id or name -> both not possible
// passing Data to Plugin
licenseChoice { lc ->
Example (Kotlin):
cyclonedxBom {
// declaration of the object from AttachmentText -> Needed for the setting of LicenseText
val attachmentText = AttachmentText()
attachmentText.setText("This is a Licenses-Text")
// declaration of the object from License
val license = License()
// setting the Name[String], LicenseText[AttachmentText] and Url[String]
license.setName("XXXX XXXX Software")
// license.setId("Mup")
// either id or name -> both not possible
// passing Data to Plugin
setLicenseChoice { lc ->
It should be noted that License requires either id or name, but both can't be included at the same time.
Text and url are optional for inclusion and multiple licenses can be added to LicenseChoice.
Add the Git VCS url by passing an object of the type ExternalReference to the plugin.
Example (groovy) and (Kotlin):
cyclonedxBom {
//passing Data to the plugin
setVCSGit { vcs ->
// set either the ssh or https URL[String] of the remote repository
// make sure that the ssh URL starts with the protocol (e.g. 'ssh://'), otherwise it will not be accepted
// e.g. vcs.url = "ssh://"
vcs.url = ""
// (optional) you can add a comment to describe your repository
// vcs.comment = "comment"
It should be noted that url is mandatory and type will be ignored. You may add a comment to describe the external reference.
For details of the BOM structure look at
The following table provides information on the version of this Gradle plugin, the CycloneDX schema version supported, as well as the output format options. Use the latest possible version of this plugin that is the compatible with the CycloneDX version supported by the target system.
Version | Schema Version | Format(s) |
2.0.x | CycloneDX v1.6 | XML/JSON |
1.10.x | CycloneDX v1.6 | XML/JSON |
1.9.x | CycloneDX v1.6 | XML/JSON |
1.8.x | CycloneDX v1.5 | XML/JSON |
1.7.x | CycloneDX v1.4 | XML/JSON |
1.6.x | CycloneDX v1.4 | XML/JSON |
1.5.x | CycloneDX v1.3 | XML/JSON |
1.4.x | CycloneDX v1.3 | XML/JSON |
1.2.x | CycloneDX v1.2 | XML/JSON |
1.1.x | CycloneDX v1.1 | XML |
1.0x | CycloneDX v1.0 | XML |
CycloneDX Gradle Plugin is Copyright (c) OWASP Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Permission to modify and redistribute is granted under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for the full license.