This repository contains HLS code that calls the Xilinx FFT IP core from the FFT IP Library and a Python program to handle it.
The following environments were tested:
- Vivado 2022.1
- Vitis HLS 2022.1
- PYNQ-Z1 (PYNQ 2.5)
It appears that this repository is referenced on the Xilinx Q&A page. Thank you.
The following command will create the FFT IP core and block design for PYNQ-Z1. Replace with the version of Vivado installed on your machine.
source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/<version>/
make all
After the make command finishes, launch the project with vivado vivado/fft.xpr
. You can see the following block design.
The hardware drivers can be found in this notebook.
Data input/output is as follows:
The top function
void hls_fft(fft_stream &input, fft_stream &output, unsigned size)
The circuit is driven by the
register(offset 0x00) -
is a register(offset 0x10) that sets the number of FFT points with
This can be set to a value of 3~10 (~ -Point FFT ).
If you want to set more than that, changeTWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_N_MAX
in the header file. The Xilinx FFT IP core allows~ -Point FFT. -
Data is transferred by
using theAXI4-Stream
interface -
The FPGA logic input/output types can be
numpy.csingle(float complex)
The default input/output is afloat complex
. You can switch between them by manipulating the#define
directive in the header file.
The FFT IP Library definesfloat complex
types for input and output. Therefore, note that usingfloat
for inputs and outputs in FPGA logic (UncommentUSE_FLOAT
in header file) requires type conversion in the FPGA logic, which may result in performance degradation.