This is my site source code project based on Kirby CMS
This is my site source code project based on Kirby CMS
This reposiory will host my code on basic sentiment analysis which I can refer to for later projects
This reposiory will host my code on basic sentiment analysis which I can refer to for later projects
A reposiory of projects written in vanilla js with a limitation of 101 lines of code
DalavanCloud / js-101
Forked from striwensko/js-101A reposiory of projects written in vanilla js with a limitation of 101 lines of code
Reposiory for javascript code and projects
GitHub Developer site
A simple, self-contained regression test suite for the Linux Kernel's audit subsystem
A simple, self-contained regression test suite for the Linux Kernel's audit subsystem
GitHub mirror of the Linux Kernel's audit repository
DalavanCloud / audit-kernel
Forked from linux-audit/audit-kernelGitHub mirror of the Linux Kernel's audit repository
Linux audit userspace repository
Documentation and specifications
Maps proxy protocols to `http.Agent` implementations
Maps proxy protocols to `http.Agent` implementations
This solution automatically deploys a single web access control list (web ACL) with a set of AWS WAF rules designed to filter common web-based attacks.
AWS Quick Start Team
DalavanCloud / GAM
Forked from GAM-team/GAMcommand line management for Google G Suite
DalavanCloud / ocr-correction
Forked from rdmpage/ocr-correctionOCR correction in browser for Leiden Hackathon