Intern at @newgotecnologia and student at Fatec Mogi das Cruzes
- Brazil
- in/danilo-de-souza-martins
- https://codepen.io/DanSmaR
- @DanSmaR_
- Pro
soccer-ranking-dashboard Public
Um projeto full-stack de classificação de times de futebol, utilizando POO, SOLID, arquitetura MVC e Padrão de Projeto Adapter, coberto com testes
triangle-ts Public
Exercise for training OOP principles, git and github commands
TypeScript UpdatedAug 1, 2024 -
triangle Public
This repo was created with the aim of practicing git and github
Ruby UpdatedJul 31, 2024 -
collections-java-api-2023 Public
Forked from cami-la/collections-java-api-2023Este repositório é referente ao curso "Collection Framework API Java" e é uma valiosa contribuição para a comunidade de desenvolvedores Java, fornecendo exemplos práticos e recursos educacionais re…
dio-lab-open-source Public
Forked from digitalinnovationone/dio-lab-open-sourceRepositório do lab "Contribuindo em um Projeto Open Source no GitHub" da Digital Innovation One.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 20, 2024 -
maino_blogs_intern_challenge Public
This is a simple blog site made in Ruby on Rails as a challenge from Maino Company
Ruby UpdatedApr 24, 2024 -
learn-ruby Public
Forked from fpsvogel/learn-rubyLearning resources for Ruby, Rails, and related skills.
UpdatedApr 23, 2024 -
js-testing-practical-guide-code Public
Forked from academind/js-testing-practical-guide-codeCourse code & materials for our "JavaScript Unit Testing - The Practical Guide" course (https://acad.link/testing)
UpdatedApr 19, 2024 -
cookbook-td11 Public
Forked from TreinaDev/cookbook-td11Intro in Pair Programming - Campus Code - TreinaDev
Ruby UpdatedJan 12, 2024 -
guesthouse_app Public
TDD Rails application where clients can find and book inns and inn owners can register your guest houses.
Ruby UpdatedDec 20, 2023 -
guesthouse_vue_app Public
A basic Vue with Rails application which consume data from an guesthouse API. It's part of an exercise from TreinaDev Bootcamp from Campus Code.
Ruby UpdatedNov 27, 2023 -
movies_catalog Public
Rails CRUD app about movies. You can save and edit movies, genres and directors. It's a exercise from treinaDev Bootcamp from Campus Code.
Ruby UpdatedOct 18, 2023 -
rental_car_database Public
SQL database exercise using SQLite3 as part of treinaDev assigment from Campus Code Bootcamp.
UpdatedOct 15, 2023 -
solar_system Public
React project on a model of the solar system. A person user is to be able to: view all the planets in the solar system rendered on the screen; view all cards with information about space missions;
JavaScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023 -
tryunfo_card_game Public
React game project in the Super Trunfo style! By using this application, a user is able to: create a deck with a free theme; add and remove a card from the deck; view all cards added to the deck; p…
JavaScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023 -
music_tunes Public
TrybeTunes, an application capable of playing and creating a playlist; login; search for a band or artist; list available albums; view the songs in an album; play a preview of the songs; favorite a…
JavaScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023 -
online_store Public
A simplified version, without persistence in the database, of an online store, in which users will be able to: search, add, remove for products by terms and categories using the Mercado Livre API. …
JavaScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023 -
Tests for a React application that is already created and configured, using Jest and the React Testing Library. The application contains a complete implementation of all Pokédex requirements.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023 -
finance_wallet Public
A spending control wallet with currency converter using Redux and React. It is able to: Add, remove and edit an expense; View a table with your expenses; View total expenses converted to a currency…
JavaScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023 -
starwars_planet_search Public
Frontend project using React on a list with filters of planets from the Star Wars universe using **Context API and Hooks** to control global states.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023 -
talk_manager Public
An application for registering talkers (speakers) in which it will be possible to register, view, search, edit and delete information. Developed an API for a CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) …
JavaScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023 -
medieval_store Public
A store of medieval items, in the format of an API, using Typescript. Developed all layers of the application (_Models_, _Service_ and _Controllers_) making it possible to perform the basic operati…
TypeScript UpdatedOct 12, 2023