This repository is designed for dynamically monitoring AWS infrastructure. It supports both Terraform and Terragrunt (an advanced approach to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for managing multiple environments and accounts), requiring only minimal modifications to switch between them.
I strongly recommend using Terragrunt because of its efficiency.
Additionally, this repo includes a deployment pipeline for Bitbucket called pipeline.yaml, in addition to GitHub Actions, providing flexibility in CI/CD setup.
The authentication approach to AWS in this setup differs from the standard method of storing the ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY as environment secrets in GitHub repository settings.
Instead, I have defined an AWS Identity provider with strictly enforced policies and permissions, following to the principle of least privilege. This approach significantly improves security compared to the traditional and commonly used method.
The current setup focuses on monitoring key AWS services, ensuring scalability, modularity, and maintainability. I can easily enhance it using for_each loops, if statements, and other Terraform features to provide more flexibility and customization as needed.
To utilize this repository effectively, follow these steps:
git clone
Set up your own S3 bucket to store the Terraform state (tfstate
) file.
Retrieve your Load Balancer name and declare it in the data resource for calling it ALB NAME (line 23).
- Create a provider in IAM Identity Provider with the name:
- Set Audience:
. - Type: OpenID Connect.
- Create and assign an IAM role to the provider with all necessary permissions.
- Reference predefined policies located in the permisions directory and modify them as needed based on your services and resources.
- Store the AWS region as a secret variable under the key AWS_REGION.
- Similarly, set the S3 bucket name in AWS_BUCKET_NAME.
⚠️ Notes: Some configuration files and examples are included to illustrate real-world use cases. However, certain resources and services may not be pre-configured since they depend on specific monitoring needs.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Fully automated provisioning of monitoring configurations.
Terragrunt Best Practices: DRY principle, modular configurations, and environment-based deployments.
AWS CloudWatch Alarms: Monitoring critical AWS services with predefined thresholds and alerts.
Scalable & Customizable: Easily extend monitoring configurations for additional AWS resources.
This repository currently provides monitoring configurations for various AWS services, BUT I can implement the same for any of the following:
Compute & Networking: EC2, Lambda, API Gateway, Load Balancer, EBS
Databases & Storage: RDS, DynamoDB, S3, ECR
Messaging & Streaming: SNS, SQS, Kinesis
Content Delivery: CloudFront
The monitoring setup includes various CloudWatch alarms to track performance, latency, errors, and resource utilization. Some of the key metrics include:
ApiGatewayLatencyAlarm – Monitors API latency.
ApiGateway4xxErrorAlarm – Tracks 4xx client errors.
ApiGateway5xxErrorAlarm – Tracks 5xx server errors.
Latency - The time between API Gateway receives a request from a client and when it returns a response back.
Count - Total amount of API requests for a given period.
FreeableMemory – Monitors low available memory, indicating potential performance degradation.
CPUUtilization – Triggers alerts for high CPU usage.
FreeStorageSpace – Monitors available storage over the last 10 minutes.
WriteLatency & ReadLatency – Tracks database read and write performance.
Beyond the listed metrics, I can extend monitoring configurations to cover additional performance, security, and availability aspects across AWS services.
Proactive Monitoring: Helps prevent downtime and performance issues before they impact users.
Cost Optimization: Detects inefficient resource usage and potential cost savings.
Security & Compliance: Monitors unauthorized access attempts and suspicious activities.