Please see this notion for context on how I approached the below problem statement.
Using this application we can search Recipes based ingredients, and subsequently favorite them.
After cloning the application and navigating to the folder run:
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
$ rails db:setup db:seed
In order to run a local dev server run the following:
$ rails s
The application is hosted and deployed on and can be found here.
It's dinner time ! Create an application that helps users find the most relevant recipes that they can prepare with the ingredients that they have at home
Deliver an application prototype to answer the above problem statement.
By prototype, we mean:
- something usable, yet as simple as possible
- UI / design is not important
- we do not expect features which are outside the basic scope of the problem
We expect to use this prototype as a starting point to discuss current implenentation details, as well as ideas for improvement.
- MySQL / PostgreSQL or any other MySQL-compatible database.
- A backend application which responds to queries
- A web interface (can be VERY simple)
- Ruby on Rails (if you're not familiar with Ruby on Rails, use something you're familiar with)
- React
- Application is hosted on
We provide two datasets to choose from:
- french-language recipes scraped from with python-marmiton
- english-language recipes scraped from with recipe-scrapers
Download it with this command if the above link doesn't work:
wget && gzip -dc recipes-en.json.gz > recipes-en.json
- the 2-3 user stories which the application implements
- the codebase : in a git repo (share it with @quentindemetz @tdeo @soyoh @lucasbonin @sforsell @clemalfroy @dmilon @pointcom @evangelos-fotis @thecodehunter)
- the database structure
- the application, running on or on a personal server.
- please submit links to the GitHub repo and the hosted application via this form and if you're on Mac, make sure your browser has permission to share the screen