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In-game commands

  • All commands are prefixed by / and typed in the in-game chat window. Some commands require elevated gmlevel privileges. Operands within <> are required, operands within () are not.

General Commands

Command Usage Description Admin Level Requirement
credits /credits Displays the names of the people behind Darkflame Universe. 0
die /die Smashes the player. 0
info /info Displays server info to the user, including where to find the server's source code. 0
instanceinfo /instanceinfo Displays in the chat the current zone, clone, and instance id. 0
ping /ping (-l) Displays in chat your average ping. If the -l flag is used, the latest ping is displayed.
pvp /pvp Toggle your PVP flag. 0
resurrect /resurrect Resurrects the player. 0
requestmailcount /requestmailcount Sends notification with number of unread messages in the player's mailbox. 0
who /who Displays in chat all players on the instance. 0
togglenameplate /togglenameplate Turns the nameplate above your head that is visible to other players off and on. 8 unless allow_nameplate_off is set to exactly 1 in the settings then admin level requirement is 0
toggleskipcinematics /toggleskipcinematics Skips mission and world load related cinematics. 8 unless allow_players_to_skip_cinematics is set to exactly 1 in the settings then admin level requirement is 0

Moderation Commands

Command Usage Description Admin Level Requirement
gmlevel /gmlevel <level> Within the authorized range of levels for the current account, changes the character's game master level to the specified value. This is required to use certain commands. Aliases: /setgmlevel, /makegm. Account GM level greater than 0
kick /kick <username> Kicks the player off the server. 2
mailitem /mailitem <player name> <item id> Mails an item to the given player. The mailed item has predetermined content. The sender name is set to "Darkflame Universe." The title of the message is "Lost item." The body of the message is "This is a replacement item for one you lost." 3
ban /ban <username> Bans a user from the server. 4
approveproperty /approveproperty Approves the property the player is currently visiting. 5
mute /mute <username> (days) (hours) Mute player for the given amount of time. If no time is given, the mute is indefinite. 6
fly /fly <speed> This toggles your flying state with an optional parameter for the speed scale. 6
attackimmune /attackimmune <value> Sets the character's immunity to basic attacks state, where value can be one of "1", to make yourself immune to basic attack damage, or "0" to undo. 8
gmimmune /gmimmunve <value> Sets the character's GMImmune state, where value can be one of "1", to make yourself immune to damage, or "0" to undo. 8
gminvis /gminvis Toggles invisibility for the character, though it's currently a bit buggy. Requires nonzero GM Level for the character, but the account must have a GM level of 8. 8
setname /setname <name> Sets a temporary name for your player. The name resets when you log out. 8
title /title <title> Temporarily appends your player's name with " - <title>". This resets when you log out. 8

Server Operation Commands

Command Usage Description Admin Level Requirement
announce /announce Sends a announcement. /setanntitle and /setannmsg must be called first to configure the announcement. 8
kill /kill <username> Smashes the character whom the given user is playing. 8
metrics /metrics Prints some information about the server's performance. 8
setannmsg /setannmsg <title> Sets the message of an announcement. 8
setanntitle /setanntitle <title> Sets the title of an announcement. 8
shutdownuniverse /shutdownuniverse Sends a shutdown message to the master server. This will send an announcement to all players that the universe will shut down in 10 minutes. 9
uptime /uptime Displays the time the current world server has been active. 8

Development Commands

These commands are primarily for development and testing. The usage of many of these commands relies on knowledge of the codebase and client SQLite database.

Command Usage Description Admin Level Requirement
fix-stats /fix-stats Resets skills, buffs, and destroyables. 0
join /join <password> Joins a private zone with given password. 0
leave-zone /leave-zone or
If you are in an instanced zone, transfers you to the closest main world. For example, if you are in an instance of Avant Gardens Survival or the Spider Queen Battle, you are sent to Avant Gardens. If you are in the Battle of Nimbus Station, you are sent to Nimbus Station. 0
setminifig /setminifig <body part> <minifig item id> Alters your player's minifig. Body part can be one of "Eyebrows", "Eyes", "HairColor", "HairStyle", "Pants", "LeftHand", "Mouth", "RightHand", "Shirt", or "Hands". Changing minifig parts could break the character so this command is limited to GMs. 1
testmap /testmap <zone> (force) (clone-id) Transfers you to the given zone by id and clone id. Add "force" to skip checking if the zone is accessible (this can softlock your character, though, if you e.g. try to teleport to Frostburgh). 1
reportproxphys /reportproxphys Prints to console the position and radius of proximity sensors. 6
spawnphysicsverts /spawnphysicsverts Spawns a 1x1 brick at all vertices of phantom physics objects. 6
teleport /teleport <x/source player> (y) <z/target player> or
/tele <x/source player> (y) <z/target player>
Teleports you. If no Y is given, you are teleported to the height of the terrain or physics object at (x, z). Any of the coordinates can use the syntax of an exact position (10.0), or a relative position (+10.0). A ~ means use the current value of that axis as the base value. Addition or subtraction is supported (+10) (~-10). If source player and target player are players that exist in the world, then the source player will be teleported to target player. Alias: /tele. 6
activatespawner /activatespawner <spawner name> Activates spawner by name. 8
addmission /addmission <mission id> Accepts the mission, adding it to your journal. 8
boost /boost (time) Adds a passive boost action if you are in a vehicle. If time is given it will end after that amount of time 8
unboost /unboost Removes a passive vehicle boost 8
buff /buff <id> <duration> Applies the buff with the given id for the given number of seconds. 8
buffme /buffme Sets health, armor, and imagination to 999. 8
buffmed /buffmed Sets health, armor, and imagination to 9. 8
clearflag /clearflag <flag id> Removes the given health or inventory flag from your player. Equivalent of calling /setflag off <flag id>. 8
completemission /completemission <mission id> Completes the mission, removing it from your journal. 8
createprivate /createprivate <zone id> <clone id> <password> Creates a private zone with password. 8
debugui /debugui Toggle Debug UI. 8
dismount /dismount Dismounts you from the vehicle or mount. 8
reloadconfig /reloadconfig Reloads the server with the new config values. 8
force-save /force-save While saving to database usually happens on regular intervals and when you disconnect from the server, this command saves your player's data to the database. 8
freecam /freecam Toggles freecam mode. 8
freemoney /freemoney <coins> Gives coins. 8
getnavmeshheight /getnavmeshheight Displays the navmesh height at your current position. 8
giveuscore /giveuscore <uscore> Gives uscore. 8
gmadditem /gmadditem <id> (count) Adds the given item to your inventory by id. 8
inspect /inspect <component> (-m <waypoint> | -a <animation> | -s | -p | -f (faction) | -t) Finds the closest entity with the given component or LDF variable (ignoring players and racing cars), printing its ID, distance from the player, and whether it is sleeping, as well as the the IDs of all components the entity has. See Detailed /inspect Usage below. 8
list-spawns /list-spawns Lists all the character spawn points in the zone. Additionally, this command will display the current scene that plays when the character lands in the next zone, if there is one. 8
locrow /locrow Prints the your current position and rotation information to the console. 8
lookup /lookup <query> Searches through the Objects table in the client SQLite database for items whose display name, name, or description contains the query. Query can be multiple words delimited by spaces. 8
playanimation /playanimation <id> Plays animation with given ID. Alias: /playanim. 8
playeffect /playeffect <effect id> <effect type> <effect name> Plays an effect. 8
playlvlfx /playlvlfx Plays the level up animation on your character. 8
playrebuildfx /playrebuildfx Plays the quickbuild animation on your character. 8
pos /pos Displays your current position in chat and in the console. 8
refillstats /refillstats Refills health, armor, and imagination to their maximum level. 8
reforge /reforge <base item id> <reforged item id> Reforges an item. 8
resetmission /resetmission <mission id> Sets the state of the mission to accepted but not yet started. 8
rot /rot Displays your current rotation in chat and in the console. 8
runmacro /runmacro <macro> Runs any command macro found in ./res/macros/ 8
setcontrolscheme /setcontrolscheme <scheme number> Sets the character control scheme to the specified number. 8
setcurrency /setcurrency <coins> Sets your coins. 8
setflag /setflag (value) <flag id> Sets the given inventory or health flag to the given value, where value can be one of "on" or "off". If no value is given, by default this adds the flag to your character (equivalent of calling /setflag on <flag id>). 8
setinventorysize /setinventorysize <size> (inventory) or
/setinvsize <size> (inventory)
Sets your inventory size to the given size. If inventory is provided, the number or string will be used to set that inventory to the requested size. Alias: /setinvsize 8
setuistate /setuistate <ui state> Changes UI state. 8
spawn /spawn <id> Spawns an object at your location by id. 8
spawngroup /spawngroup <id> <amount> <radius> Spawns <amount> of object <id> within the given <radius> from your location 8
speedboost /speedboost <amount> Sets the speed multiplier to the given amount. /speedboost 1.5 will set the speed multiplier to 1.5x the normal speed. 8
startcelebration /startcelebration <id> Starts a celebration effect on your character. 8
stopeffect /stopeffect <effect id> Stops the given effect. 8
toggle /toggle <ui state> Toggles UI state. 8
tpall /tpall Teleports all characters to your current position. 8
triggerspawner /triggerspawner <spawner name> Triggers spawner by name. 8
unlock-emote /unlock-emote <emote id> Unlocks for your character the emote of the given id. 8
Set Level /setlevel <requested_level> (username) Sets the using entities level to the requested level. Takes an optional parameter of an in-game players username to set the level of. 8
setskillslot /setskillslot <slot> <skill id> 8
setfaction /setfaction <faction id> Clears the users current factions and sets it 8
addfaction /addfaction <faction id> Add the faction to the users list of factions 8
getfactions /getfactions Shows the player's factions 8
setrewardcode /setrewardcode <code> Sets the rewardcode for the account you are logged into if it's a valid rewardcode, See cdclient table RewardCodes 8
crash /crash Crashes the server. 9
rollloot /rollloot <loot matrix index> <item id> <amount> Given a loot matrix index, look for item id in that matrix amount times and print to the chat box statistics of rolling that loot matrix. 9
castskill /castskill <skill id> Casts the skill as the player 9

Detailed /inspect Usage

/inspect <component> (-m <waypoint> | -a <animation> | -s | -p | -f (faction) | -t)

Finds the closest entity with the given component or LDF variable (ignoring players and racing cars), printing its ID, distance from the player, and whether it is sleeping, as well as the the IDs of all components the entity has.

/inspect Options

  • -m: If the entity has a moving platform component, sends it to the given waypoint, or stops the platform if waypoint is -1.
  • -a: Plays the given animation on the entity.
  • -s: Prints the entity's settings and spawner ID.
  • -p: Prints the entity's position
  • -f: If the entity has a destroyable component, prints whether the entity is smashable and its friendly and enemy faction IDs; if faction is specified, adds that faction to the entity.
  • -cf: check if the entity is enemy or friend
  • -t: If the entity has a phantom physics component, prints the effect type, direction, directional multiplier, and whether the effect is active; in any case, if the entity has a trigger, prints the trigger ID.

Game Master Levels

There are 9 Game master levels

Level Variable Name Description
0 CIVILIAN Normal player
1 FORUM_MODERATOR Forum moderator. No permissions on live servers.
2 JUNIOR_MODERATOR Can kick/mute and pull chat logs
3 MODERATOR Can return lost items
5 LEAD_MODERATOR Can approve properties
6 JUNIOR_DEVELOPER Junior developer & future content team. Civilan on live.
7 INACTIVE_DEVELOPER Inactive developer, limited permissions.
8 DEVELOPER Active developer, full permissions on live.
9 OPERATOR Can shutdown server for restarts & updates.