ProphetStor is an AI-based solution designed to enhance computing resource management for Kubernetes and Virtual Machine (VM) clusters. With its holistic observability of IT operations, including multi-tenant Large Language Model (LLM) training, resources for mission-critical applications, namespaces, nodes, and clusters can be efficiently allocated, and KPIs can be effectively achieved with minimum resource wastage.
Using advanced machine learning algorithms to predict application workloads, offers:
- AI-based workload prediction for containerized applications in Kubernetes clusters, as well as VMs in VMware clusters, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Azure Virtual Machine, and Google Compute Engine
- Resource recommendations based on workload prediction, application, Kubernetes, and other related metrics
- Automatic provisioning of CPU/memory for generic Kubernetes application controllers/namespaces
- Automatic scaling of Kubernetes application containers, Kafka consumer groups, and NGINX Ingress upstream services
- Multicloud cost analysis and recommendations based on workload predictions for Kubernetes clusters and VM clusters
- Actual cost and potential savings based on recommendations for clusters, Kubernetes applications, VMs, and Kubernetes namespaces
- MultiTenant LLM training observability and actionable resource optimizations without performance compromise
ProphetStor provides full-stack observability through its APIs integrated with Datadog Agents, from application-level workloads, including LLM training, to cluster-level resource consumption. This integration fosters a dynamic loop between live monitoring and predictive analytics, continuously improving resource management, optimizing costs, and ensuring efficient application operation. You can easily track and predict the resource usages of Kubernetes containers, namespaces, and cluster nodes to make the right recommendations to prevent costly over-provisioning or performance-impacting under-provisioning. With easy integration to CI/CD pipeline, enables continuous optimization of containers whenever they are deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. Using application workload predictions, auto-scales application containers at the right time and optimizes performance with the right number of container replicas through Kubernetes HPA or Datadog Watermark Pod Autoscaling (WPA).
For additional information on, see the ProphetStor Feature Demo and ProphetStor for Datadog videos.
ProphetStor Cluster Overview
Cluster Resource Usage Predictions and Recommendations
- This table shows the maximum, minimum, and average value of the CPU memory workload prediction and the recommended CPU memory resource usage from for cluster resource planning.
Cluster Node Resource Usage Predictions and Recommendations
- This table shows the maximum, minimum, and average value of the CPU memory workload prediction and the recommended CPU memory resource usage from for node resource planning.
Node Current/Predicted Memory Usage (Daily)
- This graph shows daily predicted memory usage from and the memory usage of the nodes.
Node Current/Predicted Memory Usage (Weekly)
- This graph shows weekly predicted memory usage from and the memory usage of the nodes.
Node Current/Predicted Memory Usage (Monthly)
- This graph shows monthly predicted memory usage from and the memory usage of the nodes.
Node Current/Predicted CPU Usage (Daily)
- This graph shows daily predicted CPU usage from and the CPU usage of the nodes.
Node Current/Predicted CPU Usage (Weekly)
- This graph shows weekly predicted CPU usage from and the CPU usage of the nodes.
Node Current/Predicted CPU Usage (Monthly)
- This graph shows monthly predicted CPU usage from and the CPU usage of the nodes.
ProphetStor Application Overview
Workload Prediction for Next 24 Hours
- This table shows the maximum, minimum, and average value of the CPU memory workload prediction and the recommended CPU memory resource usage from for the controller resource planning in the next 24 hours.
Workload Prediction for Next 7 Days
- This table shows the maximum, minimum, and average value of the CPU memory workload prediction and the recommended CPU memory resource usage from for the controller resource planning in the next 7 days.
Workload Prediction for Next 30 Days
- This table shows the maximum, minimum, and average value of the CPU memory workload prediction and the recommended CPU memory resource usage from for the controller resource planning in the next 30 days.
Current/Predicted CPU Usage (Daily)
- This graph shows daily predicted CPU usage from and the CPU usage of the controllers.
Current/Predicted CPU Usage (Weekly)
- This graph shows weekly predicted CPU usage from and the CPU usage of the controllers.
Current/Predicted CPU Usage (Monthly)
- This graph shows monthly predicted CPU usage from and the CPU usage of the controllers.
Current/Predicted Memory Usage (Daily)
- This graph shows daily predicted memory usage from and the memory usage of the controllers.
Current/Predicted Memory Usage (Weekly)
- This graph shows weekly predicted memory usage from and the memory usage of the controllers.
Current/Predicted Memory Usage (Monthly)
- This graph shows monthly predicted memory usage from and the memory usage of the controllers.
Current/Desired/Recommended Replicas
- This graph shows the recommended replicas from and the desired and current replicas of the controllers.
Memory Usage/Request/Limit vs Rec Memory Limit
- This graph shows the recommended memory limit from and the requested, limited and current memory usage of the controllers.
CPU Usage/Request/Limit vs Rec CPU Limit
- This graph shows the recommended CPU limit from and the requested, limited and current CPU usage of the controllers.
CPU Usage/Limit Utilization
- This graph shows the CPU utilization of the controller and visualizes if the CPU utilization is over the limit or under the limit.
ProphetStor Kafka Overview
Recommended Replicas vs Current/Desired Replicas
- This timeseries graph shows the recommended replicas from and the desired and current replicas in the system.
Production vs Consumption vs Production Prediction
- This timeseries graph shows the Kafka message production rate and consumption rate and the production rate predicted by
Kafka Consumer Lag
- This timeseries graph shows the sum of consumer lags from all partitions.
Consumer Queue Latency (msec)
- This timeseries graph shows the average latency of a message in the message queue before it is received by a consumer.
Deployment Memory Usage
- This timeseries graph shows the memory usage of consumers.
Deployment CPU Usage
- This timeseries graph shows the CPU usage of consumers.
ProphetStor Multi-Cloud Cost Analysis Overview
Current Cluster Cost and Current Cluster Configuration
- These tables show the current cost and the environment configuration of the clusters.
Recommended Cluster - AWS and Recommended Cluster Configuration - AWS
- These tables show the recommended AWS instances configuration from and the cost of the recommended AWS instances.
Recommended Cluster - Azure and Recommended Cluster Configuration - Azure
- These tables show the recommended Azure instances configuration from and the cost of the recommended Azure instances.
Recommended Cluster - GCP and Recommended Cluster Configuration - GCP
- These tables show the recommended GCP instances configuration from and the cost of the recommended GCP instances.
Namespace with Highest Cost ($/day)
- This graph shows the highest daily cost of the namespaces in the current cluster.
Namespace with Highest Predicted Cost ($/month)
- This graph shows the highest predicted monthly cost of the namespaces in the current cluster.
- Follow the instructions below to download and set up
Log in to your OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster
Install for OpenShift/Kubernetes with the following command:
$ curl | bash
$ curl | bash ... Please enter version tag [default: latest]:latest Please enter the path of directory [default: /opt]: Downloading v4.5.1-b1562 tgz file ... Done Do you want to use a private repository URL? [default: n]: Do you want to launch installation script? [default: y]: Executing ... Checking environment version... ...Passed Enter the namespace you want to install [default: federatorai]: ......... Downloading alamedascaler sample files ... Done ======================================== Which storage type you would like to use? ephemeral or persistent? [default: persistent]: Specify log storage size [e.g., 2 for 2GB, default: 2]: Specify AI engine storage size [e.g., 10 for 10GB, default: 10]: Specify InfluxDB storage size [e.g., 100 for 100GB, default: 100]: Specify storage class name: managed-nfs-storage Do you want to expose dashboard and REST API services for external access? [default: y]: ---------------------------------------- install_namespace = federatorai storage_type = persistent log storage size = 2 GB AI engine storage size = 10 GB InfluxDB storage size = 100 GB storage class name = managed-nfs-storage expose service = y ---------------------------------------- Is the above information correct [default: y]: Processing... (snipped) ......... All federatorai pods are ready. ======================================== You can now access GUI through https://<YOUR IP>:31012 Default login credential is admin/admin Also, you can start to apply alamedascaler CR for the target you would like to monitor. Review administration guide for further details. ======================================== ======================================== You can now access Federatorai REST API through https://<YOUR IP>:31011 The default login credential is admin/admin The REST API online document can be found in https://<YOUR IP>:31011/apis/v1/swagger/index.html ======================================== Install v4.5.1-b1562 successfully Downloaded YAML files are located under /opt/federatorai/installation Downloaded files are located under /opt/federatorai/repo/v4.5.1-b1562
Verify pods are running properly.
$ kubectl get pod -n federatorai
Log in to GUI, URL and login credential could be found in the output of Step 2.
Log in to Datadog with your account and get an API key and application key for using the Datadog API.
Configure for the metrics data source per cluster.
- Launch GUI->Configuration->Clusters->Click "Add Cluster"
- Enter API key and application key
See the - Installation and Configuration Guide and User Guide for more details.
See metadata.csv for a list of metrics provided by this integration. does not include any service checks. does not include any events.
Need help? Read the - Installation and Configuration Guide or contact Datadog support.