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Agent Check: Mergify


Important: starting October 10th 2024, this integration is no longer supported. You should use the new integration.

This integration monitors merge queue length for each configured repository in Mergify and tracks Mergify's global availability. By sending metrics to your Datadog account, you can set up monitors for anomaly alerts and analyze merge queue performance. You can maintain awareness of Mergify service availability and optimize your development workflow using this Datadog integration.



From release

Run datadog-agent integration install -t datadog-mergify==<INTEGRATION_VERSION>.

From source

To install the Mergify check on your host:

  1. Install the developer tool on any machine.

  2. Run ddev release build mergify to build the package.

  3. Download the Datadog Agent.

  4. Upload the build artifact to any host with an Agent and run datadog-agent integration install -w path/to/mergify/dist/<ARTIFACT_NAME>.whl.


  1. Edit the mergify.d/conf.yaml file in the conf.d/ folder at the root of your Agent's configuration directory to start collecting your Mergify metrics.

    See the sample mergify.d/conf.yaml.example file for all available configuration options.

  2. Restart the Agent.


Run the Agent's status subcommand and look for mergify under the Checks section.

Data Collected


See metadata.csv for a list of metrics provided by this check.

For the metric mergify.queue_checks_outcome, the available outcome_type tags are :

  • PR_DEQUEUED: The number of PRs that have been manually removed from the queue
  • PR_AHEAD_DEQUEUED: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because a PR ahead of it was removed from the queue
  • PR_AHEAD_FAILED_TO_MERGE: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because a PR ahead of it failed to merge
  • PR_WITH_HIGHER_PRIORITY_QUEUED: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because a PR with higher priority has been queued
  • PR_QUEUED_TWICE: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because they have been queued twice
  • SPECULATIVE_CHECK_NUMBER_REDUCED: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because the number of speculative checks in the config was changed
  • CHECKS_TIMEOUT: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because the speculative checks have timed out
  • CHECKS_FAILED: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because the speculative checks have failed
  • QUEUE_RULE_MISSING: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because the queue rule that was used to queue the PR has been removed from the config
  • UNEXPECTED_QUEUE_CHANGE: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because a user made an operation on the queued pull request
  • PR_FROZEN_NO_CASCADING: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because they were frozen by a freeze with no cascading effect
  • TARGET_BRANCH_CHANGED: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because the PR's target branch was changed
  • TARGET_BRANCH_MISSING: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because the PR's target branch does not exist anymore
  • PR_UNEXPECTEDLY_FAILED_TO_MERGE: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because they unexpectedly failed to get merged
  • BATCH_MAX_FAILURE_RESOLUTION_ATTEMPTS: The number of PRs that have been removed from the queue because the maximum batch failure resolution attempts have been reached

Service Checks

See service_checks.json for a list of service checks provided by this integration.


Mergify does not include any events.


Need help? Contact Mergify support.