Sedai is an autonomous cloud platform that proactively manages production environments to prevent issues and improve availability, performance, and cloud costs. As an intelligent autopilot for SREs, Sedai independently detects, prioritizes, and analyzes monitoring data to safely and autonomously act in production without thresholds.
Enable this integration to receive notifications in Datadog about actions that Sedai autonomously executes in your production environments.
Agentless: Seamlessly connects to your cloud accounts and automatically discovers and understands production environments.
Configuration-free: Easily connects to Datadog API and intelligently identifies, prioritizes and learns metric behavior.
Proactive Actions: Safely acts in production on your behalf to ensure that resources avoid availability issues and run optimally at all times.
In Sedai:
Navigate to Settings > Notifications > Add Integration > Datadog Icon
Enter a nickname and the API key for your Datadog account. Enable and test the integration.
Once the test is verified to be working, click Save.
Under Settings > Notifications, select which notifications you want to send to Datadog.
This integration sends events into Datadog.
For help with this integration, contact Datadog support.