- Wetteren, Belgium
- http://www.groovbird.com
QuestPDF Public
Forked from QuestPDF/QuestPDFQuestPDF is a modern open-source .NET library for PDF document generation. Offering comprehensive layout engine powered by concise and discoverable C# Fluent API. Easily generate PDF reports, invoi…
C# MIT License UpdatedFeb 15, 2023 -
hdr-demo Public
HDR demo site
HTML Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedDec 23, 2022 -
EFCore.BulkExtensions Public
Forked from borisdj/EFCore.BulkExtensionsEntity Framework Core Bulk Batch Extensions in .Net for Insert Update Delete Read (CRUD), Truncate and SaveChanges operations on SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
C# MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2022 -
Hangfire.Documentation Public
Forked from HangfireIO/Hangfire.DocumentationSphinx-based documentation for Hangfire
HTML UpdatedDec 9, 2021 -
mixter Public
Forked from DevLyon/mixterCQRS and Event Sourcing Koans
CSS MIT License UpdatedJun 16, 2021 -
Docs Public
Forked from dotnet/AspNetCore.DocsDocumentation for ASP.NET Core
C# Other UpdatedMay 17, 2021 -
M5StickC-Plus Public
Forked from m5stack/M5StickC-PlusM5Stack Arduino Library
C MIT License UpdatedMar 16, 2021 -
Grbl_Esp32 Public
Forked from bdring/Grbl_Esp32A port of Grbl CNC Firmware for ESP32
nesC GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 10, 2021 -
Spectrum Public
A small application for the M5Stack Fire and AdaFruit's AS7341 multi-spectral sensor to detect light quality.
M5Paper_FactoryTest Public
Forked from m5stack/M5Paper_FactoryTestC MIT License UpdatedJan 2, 2021 -
Memory Public
Forked from TobiasVdE/MemoryMemory game for NeoTrellis M4
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 25, 2020 -
DistingSampleKitMaker Public
Sample converter and playlist maker for Disting Mk4
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 4, 2020 -
DistingLibraryManager Public
Sample Library Manager for Expert Sleepers' Disting Mk4 Eurorack module.
MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2020 -
Twinkle Public
Twinkle twinkle the neopixels on a Circuit Playground Express
C++ UpdatedJan 1, 2019 -
StepStone Public
A polyphonic hardware sequencer inspired by the Dual Arpeggiator player device from Propellerhead's Reason
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 1, 2019 -
Mvc Public
Forked from aspnet/MvcASP.NET Core MVC is a model view controller framework for building dynamic web sites with clean separation of concerns, including the merged MVC, Web API, and Web Pages w/ Razor.
C# Other UpdatedMar 1, 2017 -
Sprache Public
Forked from sprache/SpracheTiny C# Monadic Parser Framework
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 1, 2016 -
dotnet-docker Public
Forked from dotnet/dotnet-dockerThis repo contains the base Docker images for working with .NET Core and associated tooling. http://dotnet.github.io/
Shell MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2016 -
ExampleConsoleApp Public
Example console app to demonstrate R# doesn't recognize a reference from a "netcoreapp1.0" app to a "netstandard1.5" library.
C# UpdatedJun 2, 2016 -
CSharpClient-for-Kafka Public
Forked from microsoft/CSharpClient-for-Kafka.Net implementation of the Apache Kafka Protocol that provides basic functionality through Producer/Consumer classes. The project also offers balanced consumer implementation.
C# Other UpdatedMay 29, 2016 -
davevde.github.io Public
Forked from barryclark/jekyll-nowBuild a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.
HTML MIT License UpdatedMay 26, 2016