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Halskey2 Telegram Bot

Halskey2 is a Telegram bot designed to simplify signal sending, manage signal sessions, create posts with buttons, and schedule posts for channels.


  1. Signal Sending: Easily send signals to your subscribers.
  2. Session Management: Start and end signal sessions effortlessly.
  3. Post Creation: Create engaging posts with interactive buttons.
  4. Post Scheduling: Schedule posts for your Telegram channels in advance.


/start: Start using the bot.

/signal: Send a signal to subscribers.

/endsession: End the current signal session.

/buttonpost: Create a post with buttons.


  1. Sending Signals: Use the /signal command to send signals to your subscribers.
  2. Session Management: End signal sessions using /endsession command.
  3. Post Creation: Utilize /buttonpost command to create posts with interactive buttons for enhanced engagement.
  4. Post Scheduling: Schedule posts for your Telegram channels


๐Ÿš€ About Me

I'm a full stack web developer...