The Y.A.A.Cs (Yet Another Apache CyberDeck/Yak) are my personal take on CyberDecks. They are a planned family of CyberDecks for various uses.
Currently working the Y.A.A.C-1, a general use CyberDeck, including general computing, cyber security, and offline internet. At it's core is a Raspberry Pi 4 in an Apache 3800 case. Powered by an Anker powerbank and a Geekworm UPS.
This repository details my build process, as well as containing links to components, software, inspiration and other useful information.
Version 0.1.0 of the Y.A.A.C.1
- Owned Components: A list of compents I own and plan on using.
- Guides: A list of guides/tutorials/information.
- Inspiration: Other CyberDecks, projects, and links for inspiration.
- Operating Systems: A list of various Operating Systems.
- Software: Software used and to possibly use.
- To Do List: A To Do list for this repository.
- Unsorted: A file containing links and other information yet to be sorted.
- Web-based Tools & Utilities: A collection of web based tools and utilities.