A brief intro to data analysis for PES students
If you install Jupyter through anaconda, you will by default get a lot of the scientific packages associated with Anaconda like pandas and matplotlib and there will not be a requirement to install them separately.
- Use answers to questions posed about the data to create change in business, government, education, etc.
- Choose the population of interest
- Sample from this population
- Analyze the sample
- Draw inferences about the population based on the sample(Inference)
- Pandas(Helps with data analysis of data in tabular like format)
- matplotlib(plotting)
- What is CSV
- What do the rows and columns represent?
- Number of people with different types of education levels
- Relationship between education and salary
- Relationship between age and salary
- Qualitative/Categorical
- Quantitative
- Qualitative: bar graph
- Quantitative measures:
- Mean vs median
- Quartiles
- Quantitative: histogram, box plot
- Quantitative vs Quantitative: scatter-plot
- Quantitative vs Categorical: Side-by-side box plots
- dataframe
- series