We would like to have a restful API for our statistics. The main use case for our API is to calculate realtime statistic from the last 60 seconds. There will be two APIs, one of them is called every time a transaction is made. It is also the sole input of this rest API. The other one returns the statistic based of the transactions of the last 60 seconds.
- POST /transactions Every Time a new transaction happened, this endpoint will be called.
"amount": 12.3,
"timestamp": 1478192204000
- amount- is a double specifying the amount
- timestamp-transaction time in epoch in millis in UTC timezone
Returns: Empty body with either 201 or 204.
- 201 - in case of success
- 204 - if transaction is older than 60 seconds
- GET /statistics This is the main endpoint of this task, this endpoint have to execute in constant time and memory (O(1)). It returns the statistic based on the transactions which happened in the last 60 seconds.
"sum": 1000,
"avg": 100,
"max": 200,
"min": 50,
"count": 10
- sum: is a double specifying the total sum of transaction value in the last 60 seconds
- avg: is a double specifying the average amount of transaction value in the last 60 seconds
- max: is a double specifying single highest transaction value in the last 60 seconds
- minis: double specifying single lowest transaction value in the last 60 seconds
- count: a long specifying the total number of transactions happened in the last 60 seconds
For the rest api,the biggest and maybe hardest requirement is to make the GET /statistics execute in constant time and space. The best solution would be O(1). It is very recommended to tackle the O(1) requirement as the last thing to do as it is not the only thing which will be rated in the code challenge. Other requirements, which are obvious, but also listed here explicitly:
- The API have to be threadsafe with concurrent requests
- The API have to function properly, with proper result
- The project should be buildable, and tests should also complete successfully. e.g. If maven is used, then mvn clean install should complete successfully.
- The API should be able to deal with time discrepancy, which means, at any point of time, we could receive a transaction which have a timestamp of the past
- Make sure to send the case in memory solution without database (including in-memory database)
- Endpoints have to execute in constant time and memory (O(1))
- Please complete the challenge using Java
To implement the O(1) requirement of GET /statistics, an async task computes statistics in the background every 1ms. The solution is implemented as follows:
- All new transactions coming in from the POST /transactions call are added to a list
- Every 1ms these transactions are
- Consumed from the list by the background task
- Added to another list
which represent the transactions in the current window - Statistics are computed and stored in-memory
- A call to GET /statistics reads from the statistics in-memory and therefore executes in constant time
For the 2 lists unprocessedTransactions
and transactionsInWindow
a synchronized list is used which ensures that concurrent updates to the list are managed correctly. However, the data-structure does not ensure that reads from the list are similarly managed. Hence, while reading unprocessed transactions, we need to explicitly synchronize on the unprocessedTransactions
- Unit tests are written in
- Concurrency tests are written using the
git clone https://github.com/Deborah-Digges/n26-challenge.git
cd n26-challenge
mvn clean install
java -jar target/demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- To create a new transaction:
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8080/transactions \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"amount": 100,
"timestamp": 1526920754000
- To get the latest statistics:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/statistics