Works for JCM Systems
JCM Systems
Works for @rakuevents, @mue
@rakuevents, @mue
Works for BT Labs
BT Labs
Works for @openstate
Is from Belfast, Northern Ireland
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Is from Toronto, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Works for @guardian
Is from Cheshire
Is from Leicestershire, UK
Leicestershire, UK
Works for @alphagov
Works for @ForwardDemocracy | @SwapmyVote | Microclimate | @DemocracyClub
@ForwardDemocracy | @SwapmyVote | Microclimate | @DemocracyClub
Works for ngnuity Solutions
ngnuity Solutions
Is from Hatfield, UK
Hatfield, UK
Works for University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
Is from Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal
Works for Freelance
Works for Prater Raines
Prater Raines
Works for Spotify
Is from Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Is from Berlin/London
Works for @openownership
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