A Java utility library for handling JWT (JSON Web Token) operations. This library provides a simple and secure way to generate, validate, and parse JWT tokens.
- Generate JWT tokens with custom claims
- Validate JWT tokens
- Extract claims from tokens
- Built-in support for subject and expiration claims
- Secure key generation using HMAC-SHA256
- Java 11 or higher
- Maven
Add the following dependencies to your pom.xml
// Initialize JwtUtils with a secret key and token validity duration
JwtUtils jwtUtils = new JwtUtils("your-256-bit-secret", 3600000); // 1 hour validity
// Generate a token
String token = jwtUtils.generateToken("userId123");
// Validate token
boolean isValid = jwtUtils.validateToken(token);
// Get subject from token
String subject = jwtUtils.getSubject(token);
Map<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>();
claims.put("role", "ADMIN");
claims.put("email", "user@example.com");
String token = jwtUtils.generateToken("userId123", claims);
// Later, extract claims
Claims allClaims = jwtUtils.getAllClaims(token);
String role = allClaims.get("role", String.class);
- Use a strong secret key (at least 256 bits)
- Keep your secret key secure and never expose it
- Set appropriate token expiration times
- Validate tokens before trusting their contents
Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests!