- 💻 Languages: JavaScript (ESNext), TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3
- 🌐 Frontend: Next.js 15, React 19, ShadCN UI (because aesthetics matter)
- 🎨 UI Components: ShadCN, Material-UI (Minimalism meets usability)
- 🔙 Backend: Node.js, Express.js (API routes: because server-side rendering isn’t the only thing worth breaking)
- 📊 Data Visualization: Nivo, D3.js (making numbers look almost interesting)
- 🗄️ Databases: MongoDB (still the cool kid on the block)
- 🔒 Authentication: Clerk (because keeping users logged in is a skill)
- ✅ Deployment: Vercel (Zero-config, infinite scalability, and maximum flex)
A comprehensive dashboard built using the OG MERN Stack specifically for merchandise allocation planning nerds in the New Mexico cannabis industry. Who said retail analytics aren't lit!
🔗 Repo: Retail Analytics Dashboard
A modern talent management platform built with Next.js 15, React 19, and MongoDB.
Because nothing screams efficiency like automating human resources.
🔗 Repo: NextGen Management Agency
A real-time anonymous confession and gossip app powered by Next.js, Clerk authentication, and WebSockets.
Spill the tea with no receipts.
A data visualization project for the US Census CPS Basic Monthly Data.
Transforming raw data into interactive insights using Plotly & Python.
🔗 Repo: Census Data Visualization
A photography portfolio and booking platform powered by Next.js & Cloudinary.
Capture moments, tell stories, and showcase high-quality images seamlessly.
🔗 Repo: Southwest Media Services