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Installing on Localhost

First, clone the repository. This can be done with the following command:

git clone

Then, obtain a set of Google Cloud Credentials. Directions for obtaining these can be found here. Next, we'll set up the Github App. To do so, go to

Then, click your profile icon. Click "Settings". Then, Click "Developer Settings", on the bottom of the toolbar on the left.

Select "New Github App". Fill in an appropriate name, and write it down. You will need it later. image

For the homepage url, fill in http://localhost:8080.


For Callback URLs, select "Add Callback URL"

In the first callback URL, fill in http://localhost:8080/api/installations/installation. For the second URL, fill in http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/github.

Click the checkbox for "Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation"


Scroll down to permissions, and under repository, set the following accesses:

  • Administration: Read and Write
  • Contents: Read and Write
  • Metadata: Read-only
  • Workflows: Read and Write

Under Organization, select the following permissions:

  • Administration: Read and Write

Then, scroll further and uncheck "Active" under "Webhooks"


Then, scroll further and under "Where can this Github App be installed?" select "Any Account"

Click "Create".

Now, Select "Generate Client Secret". Copy this client secret to a safe location, you will use it in a few minutes. Copy the Client ID as well.


Scroll down to "Private Keys" and select "Generate a Private Key"


Though we will now start using other applications, keep this Github window open. You'll need it later.

This will download a private key to your computer. Move this file into the repository directory. Importantly, Do not commit this file.

Next, we will switch the standard of the key we just downloaded so Java can understand it. To do so, open a terminal in the repository folder, and run the following command, replacing <file-name> with the name of the key.

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in <file-name> -out pkcs8.key

Next, create a copy of secrets.yaml.EXAMPLE with the following command:

cp secrets.yaml.EXAMPLE secrets.yaml

Now, we're going to take the key we generated and place it into secrets.yaml. Output the key into the terminal with the following command:

cat pkcs8.key

Copy the output from this command, and paste it into secrets.yaml, replacing add your key here with the output. The file should now look like this:

    key: "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
<Your Key>

Next, we'll fill in .env. Create a copy of it with:

cp .env.EXAMPLE .env

Fill in your Google secrets, from the article at the beginning. Additionally, fill in your Github Client ID and Client Secret, named GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET respectively. Leave APP_INSTALLATION_ID for now, we will come back to it.

Next, start your project:

mvn spring-boot:run

Now, move back to your Github window, and on the left-hand side, click "Install App". image

Select "Install" next to "ucsb-cs156-s25". It must be an organization, not a user, as the API differs for user repositories.


Select "All Repositories". Then, select "Install and Authorize." This should take you to your localhost application link. The bottom line should say INSTALLATION ID: and then a series of numbers. Take those numbers, and place those in your .env as "APP_INSTALLATION_ID".

Stop your application, and then run it again with mvn spring-boot:run.

Try the endpoint https://localhost:8080/api/installations/testStudentRepos to test creating and pushing a student repo, or https://localhost:8080/api/installations/provideToken to get a github application token.


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