Markdown sources for all the cheat sheets found at
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Automation | Ansible | Chef | IT-Ops | Jinja | Mcollective | Monitoring | Puppet | Puppet - Hiera | SaltStack | Swagger | Terraform
CICD | ArgoCD | Gerrit | Git | Github Actions | Gradle | Jenkins | Jenkins Docs | Jenkins Pipeline DSL | JenkinsX | JFrog CLI | Maven
Cloud | ARM | AWS | AWS Lamba | Azure | Azure Devops | KVM | LXC | OpenNebula | OpenVZ | packer | S3 | Vagrant | VirtualBox | VM Tuning | Xen
Container | Buildah | Container Orchestration | Docker | Docker Compose | Docker Swarm | Dockerfile | Podman | runc
DevOps Linux | Architecture | auditd | cgroups | DBUS | Debugging | DKMS | DRBD | DXVK | Filesystem | GPG | Grub | IPMI | kerberos | Kernel Tracing | Linux-Commands | Linux-HA | Linux-Sysadmin | Linux-Virtualization | LVM | mokutil | nohup | Partitioning | perf | PKI | Printing | RAID | screen | socat | sops | strace | sudo | supervisor | systemd | systemtap | ulimit | vi | Wifi | X11 | ZFS
DevOps Services | Apache | Ceph | Consul | Couchbase | CouchDB | ElasticSearch | etcd | etcdv2 | F5 | GlusterFS | Graphite | htaccess | Java | Kafka | memcached | MongoDB | MySQL | NFS | nginx | Nodejs | NTP | OAuth | PgBouncer | Postgres | RabbitMQ | Redis | Redis Sentinel | Samba | Splunk | sqlite | Squid | Tomcat | Webserver | Zookeeper
kubernetes | Helm | Helm Templates | kops | kubectl | kubernetes | kubernetes ConfigMap | kubernetes DNS | kubernetes StorageClass | Loki | Minikube | Minishift | nginx-ingress | Openshift | PKS | Prometheus | Tekton
Languages | autotools | CSS | GCC | gdb | JSONPath | Linux HTML Widgets | meson | Misc | Perl | PHP | Ruby | SQL | Syndication | Vala | XML | XPath | XSLT | YAML
Mobile | adb
Network | curl | iptables | Linux-Networking | Mail | mDNS | netfilter | Network | rsync | SMB | SSH | tcpdump | unbound
Packaging | apt | Bower | cargo | Conan | dpkg | flatpak | gem | golang | gradle | maven | npm | pacman | pip | Ruby Bundler | rvm | snap | yum | zypper
Scripting | APIs | awk | Bash | Bash Associative Array | Bash Functions | Bash Regex | ffmpeg | Images | jq | Locking | Scripting | sed | Shell-Scripting | xargs | yq | zenity
Security | AppArmor | HTTPS | Incident Handling | OpenSCAP | OpenSSL | Package Vulnerabilities | Security | Security Auditing | Security-News-Feeds | SELinux | SIEM | SSL-Certificates
Solutions | SaaS Dev Tools | Service Architecture | Solutions Automation | Solutions CICD | Solutions Loadbalancing | Solutions Monitoring | Solutions NoSQL | Solutions Virtualization
Windows | netsh | PowerShell | registry | wmic | WSL
Glib Examples | Glib | Glib GRegex | Glib Testing | Glib XDG Migration | GObject
Javascript Examples | GraphQL | Handlebars | Javascript Modules | Javascript RegExp | Javascript strptime | Javascript void0 | Nodejs Express
PHP Examples | PHP Arrays | PHP curl_setopt | PHP date | PHP explode | PHP file_get_contents | PHP implode | PHP in_array | PHP ini_set | PHP preg_match | PHP preg_replace | PHP str_replace | PHP stripos | PHP strpos | PHP strripos | PHP strrpos | PHP ternary operator | PHP unserialize
Python Examples | PyGI GnomeKeyring | PyGI GStreamer | PyGI GtkStatusIcon | Python | Python argparse | Python Dictionary | Python re | Python re.match | Python re.sub | Python simplehttpserver | Python split | Python string concat | Python subprocess | Python Syntax
Regex Examples | Go Regex | Regex Overview | Ruby Regex
du Radial Map | du Radial Map
du Tree Map | du Tree Map
netstat Dendrogram | netstat Dendrogram
netstat Force Graph | netstat Force Graph
netstat Services | netstat Services
- 30s-of-code CSS
- 30s-of-code Git
- 30s-of-code JS
- 30s-of-code Python
- AWS EKS Best Practices
- AWS EKS Workshop
- AWS ELB Best Practices
- AWS S3 Python
- AWS Serverless Workshop
- AWSCookbook Security
- Ansible Tutorial
- Architecture Books
- Architecture Decision Records
- Architecture Domain Driven Hexagon
- Architecture Enterprise Patterns
- Architecture Microservices
- Awesome AWS Security
- Awesome Azure Architecture
- Awesome CS Courses
- Awesome Cheat Sheets
- Awesome Cloud Security
- Awesome Design Patterns
- Awesome GraphQL
- Awesome OSINT
- Awesome OpenPolicyAgent
- Awesome Programming Projects
- Awesome Public Datasets
- Awesome Python
- Awesome Scalability
- Awesome Security
- Awesome k8s Security
- Azure Powershell
- Backend Development Whitepaper
- Bash Handbook
- Bash Streams Handbook
- Bash by Example
- Bayesian Modelling in Python
- C4-PlantUML Documentation
- CSS Architecture
- Cloud Outages Index
- Cloud Provider Cheat Sheets
- Coding Interview University
- Cognitive Load
- DDD Context Mapping
- DDD Miro Templates
- DDD Starter Modelling
- DDD by Examples
- Databases Introduction
- Design: Aggregate Design Canvas
- Design: Bounded Context Canvas
- Design: Core Domain Charts
- DevOps Cheat Sheet
- DevOps Video Tutorials
- DevSecOps Maturity Model
- DevSecOps SLSA Framework
- Docker Cheat Sheet
- Docker Getting Started
- Documentation Apache CloudStack
- Documentation ArgoCD
- Documentation Cacti
- Documentation Certbot
- Documentation Chef
- Documentation CircleCI
- Documentation CloudFoundry Bosh
- Documentation Compendium
- Documentation CoreDNS
- Documentation Datadog
- Documentation Docker
- Documentation FluentBit
- Documentation Flux
- Documentation FreeBSD
- Documentation GRR
- Documentation Google GVisor
- Documentation Google OSFIR
- Documentation Grafana Loki
- Documentation Grafana LokiStack Operator
- Documentation Helm
- Documentation Kata Containers
- Documentation Linode
- Documentation OSV Scanner
- Documentation OpenTelemetry
- Documentation Openshift
- Documentation Powershell
- Documentation Prometheus
- Documentation Prometheus Alertmanager
- Documentation Prometheus Operator
- Documentation Puppet
- Documentation RabbitMQ
- Documentation RedisLabs
- Documentation Telegraf
- Documentation TravisCI
- Documentation cfengine
- Documentation docker-bench-security
- Documentation juju
- Documentation knative
- Documentation kubebench
- Documentation kubernetes
- Documentation pfsense (legacy)
- Documentation pprof
- Documentation rundeck
- Elastic Data Lake Architecture
- ElasticSearch Architecture
- ElasticSearch Examples
- Excel Cheat Sheet
- FastAI Fastbook
- Favicon Cheat Sheet
- Free Programming Books
- Free Tier SaaS List
- Fuzzing 101
- GCP Cheat Sheet
- GDB Cheat Sheet
- Generating Flamegraphs
- Geo Data Science Book
- Github Cheat Sheet
- Globbing Cheat Sheet
- Google Cloud Guide
- Google DevOps Governance
- Google Engineering Practices
- How Programming Works
- IMDB Data in the Terminal
- Interview Questions: 30s-of-code JS
- Interview Questions: Android
- Interview Questions: Data Science
- Interview Questions: FAANG
- Interview Questions: Java
- Interview Questions: Linux Sysadmin
- Interview Questions: ML
- Interview Questions: System Design
- Interview Questions: System Design and Architecture
- JS Promise Cookbook
- Jaeger Distributed Tracing
- Java 8 Tutorial
- Javascript ES6 Cheatsheet
- Javascript Functional Programming
- Javascript NPM with ES Modules
- Kafka Architecture
- Learn Regex
- Learn To Cloud
- Learn UML2
- Learn Vim
- LearnXinYMinutes
- Learning Path AI Expert
- Learning Path Data Science
- Learning Path FullStack Web Dev
- Learning Path Functional Programming
- Learning Path Senior Developer
- Learning Path Springboot Microservices
- Learning Path System Design
- Learning Path Thinkerhub
- Learning Path by Role
- Learning Path k8s
- Learning Path k8s (Microsoft)
- Learning freeCodeCamp
- Linux XDP Tutorial
- Little Go Book
- Little MongoDB Book
- Little Redis Book
- MDN accessibility
- MDN api
- MDN css
- MDN demos
- MDN events
- MDN exslt
- MDN guide
- MDN html
- MDN http
- MDN javascript
- MDN manifest
- MDN mathml
- MDN media
- MDN opensearch
- MDN performance
- MDN privacy
- MDN progressive_web_apps
- MDN security
- MDN svg
- MDN text_fragments
- MDN tutorials
- MDN webdriver
- MDN xml
- MDN xpath
- MDN xslt
- MITM Cheat Sheet
- MS Architecture Center
- MS Azure Security
- MS Virtualization
- Markdown Architecture Decision Records
- Meta Checklist
- Modern C++ Tutorial
- Naming Cheat Sheet
- Nature of Code
- Network Segmentation Cheat Sheet
- OS Tutorial
- OSS Vulnerability Guide
- OWASP Cheat Sheets Series
- OpenSSL Architecture
- Puppet Handbook
- Pure Bash Bible
- Python Introcution: Byte of Python
- Python Machine Learning
- Python Tutorial
- Python pdb Tutorial
- RabbitMQ Client Tutorials
- Reverse Shells
- Runbooks AWS Incidents
- Runbooks Concept
- Runbooks Container Solutions
- Runbooks Example
- Runbooks Openshift
- Runbooks PagerDuty Incident Response
- Runbooks Pentesting
- Runbooks Prometheus Operator
- Runbooks Security Incident
- SAP Tutorials
- Scalable SW Architecture
- Security 101 for SaaS Startups
- SprintBoot Best Practices
- SysML v2 Documentation
- System Design 101
- System Design Primer
- Tekton 101
- The JS Way
- TypeSpec API Generator
- Typescript Handbook
- Xapax Security
- eg Cheat Sheets
- golang Cheat Sheet
- k8s CKAD Tutorial
- k8s Istio Tutorial
- k8s NetworkPolicy Tutorial
- k8s Nomand Tutorial
- k8s Tekton Tutorial
- k8s the hard way
- nginx Admin Handbook
- rsync Tutorial