issues Search Results · repo:DragonetMC/Dragonet-Legacy language:Java
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inDragonetMC/Dragonet-Legacy (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi, I just changed the name of my organization, that has the repository of my software, EurekaMine-MP, in it. So in
other words, the link you have for EurekaMine in the readme on here, is outdated. It ...
- Opened on Aug 15, 2016
- #141
Hi, I am a PocketMine plugin developer, and I know Java as well. I would like to take this project over, and work on it
with my team.
- 13
- Opened on Mar 2, 2016
- #140
Delete it and recreate with access for me I didn t like this project because 70% of the code was glowstone code. It s
better to just make our own and optimize for PE. I will recreate it, in java, and hopefully ...
- 19
- Opened on Feb 15, 2016
- #139
Feature enhancement: Implementing Modded Spigot into Dragonet (TBWO)
- 6
- Opened on Jan 22, 2016
- #138
So DragonProxy is more reliable and easier to use so should we stop making Dragonet?
- 73
- Opened on Jan 17, 2016
- #137
I m currently using the latest build at the moment which would be #272, yet whenever I try to load up the jar with a
.command file (can t run .bat files), I always get this error in the terminal:
Unrecognized ...
- 10
- Opened on Dec 13, 2015
- #136
JavaScript DAPIS functionality is known as Rhino in the project, because it s the name of Mozilla s javascript engine
for Java.
As part of #128, I m looking for a way to remove Rhino calls from Glowstone ...
- 5
- Opened on Dec 8, 2015
- #135
21:34:05 [ERROR] Error occurred while pulsing world world java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at
java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(Unknown Source) at java.util.HashMap$ ...
- 8
- Opened on Dec 8, 2015
- #133

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