CClock stands for countdown clock, or class clock. It is meant to count down the time left in each class block, and is also a reminder for the time remaining until the start of the next class block. CClock is fully customizable, adaptable, and works on all devices. Additionally, the simplest version of CClock (here) is fully static and only runs clientside. This means that CClock can be run from Github Pages or another static site host.
CClock can be downloaded through Github:
git clone
is the default page for CClock.
The style is located in the style.css
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
The current font family is Google's Open Sans. When changing the font, remember to change the font as defined in the body, and link the appropriate font stylesheet into the head of index.html
. All webfonts are supported.
The following code controls the background: change the color values or numbers to adjust the background of the clock.
/* Animated gradient background */
background: linear-gradient(-30deg, #111E6C, #0E4D92, #0F52BA, #003152);
background-size: 1000% 1000%;
-webkit-animation: Gradient 15s ease infinite;
-moz-animation: Gradient 15s ease infinite;
animation: Gradient 15s ease infinite;
At the start of the document, there are definitions for special days. On some occasions, events or special schedules might disrupt the normal schedule. This is where it should be defined and noted. Note that new CalDay(3, 8)
means 8th of March.
// Defines the special days
var onbreak = true;
var specialDays = [new CalDay(3, 8), new CalDay(4, 25)]; // <- For special event days
var noClassSats = [new CalDay(4, 20), new CalDay(5, 4), new CalDay(5, 18)]; // <- For days without Saturday classes
var noClassDays = [new CalDay(4, 22), new CalDay(5, 18), new CalDay(5, 27), new CalDay(6, 1)]; // <- For days without classes, or breaks
var holidayDays = []; // <- For holidays
calls on dayType()
to return the correct number corresponding to the type of day, and then does special functions accordingly.
For example, dayType()
returns 1 if it is a 'Special Day', and update()
is defined so that...
if (type === 1) {
if dayType()
= 1, then it invokes specialSchedule();
, which is defined below to print a special message when there is a special schedule. This is expendable, you may assign any type of special date a 'type number', and have it perform a corresponding action if/when it is a day of that type.
You can add your own widgets to a scrollable widget area on the top right (on a phone, it extends to fit the whole page). For example, here is the quotes widget:
<div class="widget" id="quote-widget" style="display: none;">
<p id="quote"></p>
<p align="right" id="speaker" style="font-weight: 700;"></p>
You may add any widgets here, with class widget
. The style can be set to display: none;
until whatever JS code loads the widget content in, and then you can dynamically show the widget through whatever code's loading the widget content. This can be backend or frontent code if you wish, and you can really do anything with the widgets (load menus, other schedules, etc).
A widget is defined to print a message to the widget area. The message is loaded in the message.js
var message = ["Have a great summer! "]; // <- Message goes here!
You can change this message to whatever you want, and it will load the first message in the message
array into the message widget block.
The clock will also display a random inspirational quote whenever you load it, loaded into the quotes
array in messages.js
. You can customize the 'speaker' and 'quote' of all these quotes (or do something else with it).
- Widgets.
- Offline mode for mobile. (PWA Support and UpUp)
- Dynamic schedule.
- Dynamic plugins.
The design of version 2 was inspired by Decount (and this design was reimplemented into Decount), and the original source code was adapted from Eric Li's Network Clock.
CClock Β© 2020, Nicholas Lorentzen. Released under the MIT License.