The EddieHub GitHub Org and Discord has now been closed
Thank you for all your support over the last 4 years

Here, right now on your screen, you are in the presence of the most inclusive Open Source community on the planet!
This organisation is the home of open source! Make Pull Requests, open Issues, share ideas, help each other and make improvements!
- Join the EddieHub GitHub Org by raising an issue (you will receive an invitation)
- Join our EddieHub Discord community, where you can chat with the community and also ask any questions
- Want to learn more about GitHub, watch Eddie's video here Getting started with GitHub
- Practice the Open Source workflow by adding your name to our open-source-practice repo (instructions are in the repo and/or watching this video by Eddie)
- Make your GitHub profile stand out with this free text/video course by Eddie Jaoude
- Have a look at our Good First Issue Finder project
- Append your Discord/Twitter username with "EddieHub" (for example "Eddie Jaoude | EddieHub")
Learn more about GitHub, Open Source and EddieHub by subscribing to Eddie on YouTube