Implementation (naive) of some data structures by myself using Javascript.
- length: Amount of items in the list.
- getList(): Gets all the elements in the linked list.
- getElement(value): Gets the positions of all elements that match value.
- insert(value, position): Inserts an element in a given position.
- delete(position): Deletes an element in a given position.
- deleteAll(): Deletes all element in the list.
- length: Amount of items in the queue.
- pop(): Removes the first element added to the queue.
- getQueue(): Gets all elements in the queue.
- push(value): Pushes an element in the queue.
- length: Amount of items in the stack.
- pop(): Removes the last element added to the stack.
- getStack(): Gets all elements in the stack.
- push(value): Pushes an element in the stack.