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Express Backend for a social media react native app (Messaging, Posts, Followers, Discover, Auth, And More)

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Social Media App - Express Node Server

This repository contains the backend code for a social media application built using Node.js and Express. The server handles various functionalities required for the social media app "Qui."

Check out the React Native App - Qui React Native App

Stack Used

  • Node.js: A runtime environment that allows you to execute JavaScript code on the server side.
  • AWS S3: Amazon S3 is cloud object storage with industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.
  • Express: A fast and minimalist web application framework for Node.js, used to build robust APIs and web applications.
  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database used to store user data, posts, and other relevant information.
  • Prisma: An ORM library for the Database.
  • jsonwebtoken: Used for creating and validating JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to handle user authentication and authorization.
  • bcrypt: A library used for hashing passwords before storing them in the database to enhance security.
  • Multer: Middleware for handling multipart/form-data, enabling file uploads.
  • cors: Middleware to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and manage API access from different domains.
  • helmet: Middleware to enhance the app's security by setting various HTTP headers.
  • morgan: HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js, useful for debugging and monitoring incoming requests.
  • Socket.IO is an event-driven library for real-time web applications.
  • dotenv: A zero-dependency module used to load environment variables from a .env file.
  • Nodemon: A utility that monitors changes in your source code and automatically restarts the server.
  • Redis: Redis is an open-source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.

Getting Started

NOTE: ffmpeg must be installed on your machine.

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd SocialApp-NodeJS
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Create a .env file in the root directory and set up your environment variables, such as database connection SECRET and DATABASE_URL (MongoDB Uri).
  5. Run npx prisma generate
  6. Run the server:
    • Running in Development - npm run dev:prod
    • Running in Production - npm run start, for production, a couple of environment variables need to be set up: "SPACES_NAME, SPACES_SECRET, SPACES_ENDPOINT, SPACES_KEY" which are required for "AWS S3," REDIS_PASSWORD, REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT.
  7. The server will be running on http://localhost:80 by default.

API Endpoints


  • /api/auth/login: Endpoint for user login.
  • /api/auth/signup: Endpoint for user signup.


  • /api/services/post: Endpoint for creating a new post.
  • /api/services/all-posts: Endpoint for retrieving all posts based on specific criteria.
  • /api/services/random-posts: Endpoint for retrieving random posts.
  • /api/services/random-people: Endpoint for retrieving random followers or users.
  • /api/services/search-posts: Endpoint for searching posts based on certain criteria.
  • /api/services/search-people: Endpoint for searching users based on certain criteria.
  • /api/services/upload-photos: Endpoint for uploading photos as part of a post.
  • /api/services/upload-video: Endpoint for uploading videos as part of a post.
  • /api/services/upload-audio: Endpoint for uploading audio files as part of a post.
  • /api/services/follow: Endpoint for following a user.
  • /api/services/unfollow: Endpoint for unfollowing a user.
  • /api/services/like-post: Endpoint for liking a post.
  • /api/services/post-comment: Endpoint for posting a comment on a post.
  • /api/services/get-postComment: Endpoint for retrieving comments on a post.
  • /api/services/followed-posts: Endpoint for retrieving posts from users who are being followed.
  • /api/user/get-user: Endpoint for retrieving user data.
  • /api/user/update-data: Endpoint for updating user data.
  • +++More


Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or want to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License


Express Backend for a social media react native app (Messaging, Posts, Followers, Discover, Auth, And More)







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