A set of tools to make development with ABP easier. It's a dotnet tool and accessed via abpdev
CLI command.
It helps the developer, build, run, replace, and manage logs of the projects. It makes running multiple solutions and projects easier.
dotnet tool install -g AbpDevTools
Installation for a specific runtime other than the latest:
dotnet tool install -g AbpDevTools --framework net7.0 # or dotnet tool install -g AbpDevTools --framework net6.0
If you don't have access to the package source. You can install it from the source code by the following code:
pwsh install.ps1
You can watch the 'Getting Started' video for onboarding this tool:
Execute abpdev
command in the terminal and it'll show you the help message.
abpdev --help
The following commands are available:
Builds all solutions/projects in the current directory recursively. (Multiple solutions)
abpdev build <workingdirectory> [options]
abpdev build -h
workingdirectory Working directory to run build. Probably project or solution directory path goes here. Default: . (Current Directory)
-f|--build-files (Array) Names or part of names of projects or solutions will be built.
-i|--interactive Interactive build file selection. Default: "False".
-h|--help Shows help text.
Convention: *.sln
files are considered as solutions and *.csproj
files are considered as projects.
Run in a specific path
abpdev build C:\Path\To\Projects
Run in a specific configuration
abpdev build C:\Path\To\Projects -c Release
Run in a specific path with specific configuration and specific projects
abpdev build C:\Path\To\Projects -c Release -f ProjectA.csproj ProjectB.csproj
Run in interactive mode (Select projects to build)
abpdev build -i
Runs the solution in the current directory. (Multiple solution, multiple applications including DbMigrator)
abpdev run <workingdirectory> [options]
workingdirectory Working directory to run build. Probably project or solution directory path goes here. Default: . (Current Directory)
-w|--watch Watch mode Default: "False".
--skip-migrate Skips migration and runs projects directly. Default: "False".
-a|--all Projects to run will not be asked as prompt. All of them will run. Default: "False".
--no-build Skipts build before running. Passes '--no-build' parameter to dotnet run. Default: "False".
-i|--install-libs Runs 'abp install-libs' command while running the project simultaneously. Default: "False".
-g|--graphBuild Uses /graphBuild while running the applications. So no need building before running. But it may cause some performance. Default: "False".
-p|--projects (Array) Names or part of names of projects will be ran.
-e| --env Virtual Environment name. You can manage virtual environments by using 'abpdev env config'
-h|--help Shows help text.
Convention: *.csproj
files with specific names are considered as applications or dbmigrators.
abpdev run config
command to change project name conventions according to your requirements
Run multiple solutions
abpdev run C:\Path\To\Top\Folder\Of\Solutions
Run in a specific path
abpdev run C:\Path\To\Projects
Run in a specific configuration and specific path
abpdev run C:\Path\To\Projects -c Release
Run all projects instead prompt selection
abpdev run -a
Skip migration and run projects directly
abpdev run --skip-migrate
Run in watch mode
abpdev run -w
Virtual environments are used to run multiple solutions with different configurations. For example, you can run different solutions with different environments (connectionstrings etc.).
You can manage virtual environments by using abpdev env config
command and use those pre-configured environments with other commands like: abpdev run -e SqlServer
. This command will use the environment named SqlServer. You can set different connectionstrings for each environment.
abpdev env config
You'll see the following screen. You can add, edit, delete, and select virtual environments.
{ "SqlServer": { "Variables": { "ConnectionStrings__Default": "Server=localhost;Database={AppName}_{Today};User ID=SA;Password=12345678Aa;TrustServerCertificate=True" } }, "MongoDB": { "Variables": { "ConnectionStrings__Default": "mongodb://localhost:27017/{AppName}_{Today}" } } }{Today} will be replaced with the current date. So you can run multiple solutions with different databases. {AppName} will be replaced with the application name. So you can run multiple solutions with different databases. _When app name couldn't be detected, folder name will be used.
- Run in a specific virtual environment
abpdev run -e SqlServer
Finds given project under the current directory and shows logs of it.
abpdev logs <projectname> [options]
abpdev logs [command] [...]
projectname Determines the project to open logs of it.
-p|--path Working directory of the command. Probably solution directory. Default: . (CurrentDirectory)
-i|--interactive Options will be asked as prompt when this option used. Default: "False".
-h|--help Shows help text.
Show logs of the .Web project
abpdev logs Web
Clear logs of the .Web project
abpdev logs clear -p Web
Clear logs without approval
abpdev logs clear -p Web -f
Replaces specified text in files under the current directory recursively. Mostly used to replace connection strings in appsettings.json
files. But it can be used for any other purposes.
abpdev replace <replacementconfigname> [options]
abpdev replace [command] [...]
Runs file replacement according to configuration.
replacementconfigname If you execute single option from config, you can pass the name or pass 'all' to execute all of them
-p|--path Working directory of the command. Probably solution directory. Default: . (CurrentDirectory)
-i|--interactive Interactive Mode. It'll ask prompt to pick one config. Default: "False".
-h|--help Shows help text.
config Allows managing replacement configuration. Subcommands: config clear.
abpdev replace config
command to change file name conventions according to your requirements. _You'll see something like that by default:{ "ConnectionStrings": { "FilePattern": "appsettings.json", "Find": "Trusted_Connection=True;", "Replace": "User ID=SA;Password=12345678Aa;" } }
Replace connection strings in
filesabpdev replace ConnectionStrings
Run all the configurations at once
abpdev replace all
You can enable notifications to get notified when a build or run process is completed. You can enable it by using abpdev enable-notifications
command and disable it by using abpdev disable-notifications
It only works on Windows and MacOS. Linux is not supported yet.
abpdev enable-notifications
abpdev disable-notifications
It'll send a notification when a migration, build or run process is completed.
You can easily run commonly used environment apps like SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Redis, MySQL, MongoDB and RabbitMQ by using abpdev envapp start
abpdev envapp [command] <appname> [options]
abpdev envapp start <appname> [options]
abpdev envapp stop <appname> [options]
You can change the default running commands by using
abpdev envapp config
Available app names by default:
- sqlserver
- sqlserver-edge
- postgresql
- mysql
- mongodb
- redis
- rabbitmq
You can extend the list or change environments of apps by using abpdev envapp config
- Start SQL Server with custom SA password
abpdev envapp start sqlserver -p myPassw0rd