- Mugla / Turkey
- 3h ahead - engincanveske.substack.com
- @EngincanVeske
- in/engincanv
- https://sessionize.com/engincan-veske
This repository was created to demonstrate how the many-to-many relationship can be done in ABP based applications. (by following DDD rules)
docs Public
Forked from SixLabors/docsAPI docs and tutorials on how to use ImagesSharp and related projects.
Awesome-Microservices-NetCore Public
Forked from mjebrahimi/Awesome-Microservices-DotNet💎 A collection of awesome training series, articles, videos, books, courses, sample projects, and tools for Microservices in .NET Core
AspNetCore.Docs Public
Forked from dotnet/AspNetCore.DocsDocumentation for ASP.NET Core
This application was created for an Term Project of Software Project Management lecture.
GitHubGraduation-2021 Public
Forked from github-education-resources/GitHubGraduation-2021Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 5.
abp-commercial-docs Public
Forked from abpio/abp-commercial-docsABP Commercial Documentation
1 UpdatedApr 7, 2021 -
This application was created as an application for Nuevo internship.
This application created for Nuevo internship apply.
SuperSafeBank Public
Forked from mizrael/SuperSafeBankSample Event Sourcing implementation with .NET Core
tr.reactjs.org Public
Forked from reactjs/tr.react.devReact documentation website in Turkish
Awesome-Profile-README-templates Public
Forked from kautukkundan/Awesome-Profile-README-templatesA collection of awesome readme templates to display on your profile
SocialMediaAnalyzer Public
This application was created for an Term Project of Mobile Application Development lecture.
super-rentals Public
Forked from ember-learn/super-rentalsCodebase for the Super Rentals official tutorial
Data-Structures-Examples-OOP Public
This repository helps people about the begin to DS.
Data-Structers-Term-Project Public
This project is about learning usage of data structers.
Login-Register-with-PHP Public
This project helped me to understand the structure of login in and register stuff.
This repository contains knowledge about my React.js learning journey. And it will be updated soon.
Weather-Forecast Public
In this project i used ajax() method in jquery, for took data into my project from openWeatherMap api.
Currency-Converter Public
I use API for currency rates and i see how i can import JSON objects into my project.
naming-convention Public
Forked from ktaranov/naming-conventionTemplates for naming convention - SQL, JavaScript, C#, R, Python, Powershell
3 UpdatedFeb 27, 2019 -
A simple jQuery plugin to validate forms.