If you see errors in the math, problems in the wording/language, or issues with how a symbol/equation translates into code, please create an issue.
Please search existing issues before posting a new one.
Pull requests are awesome! 🎉 If you are going to be adding a new feature or making major changes, it's best to open a new issue to discuss it before you go ahead and work on the PR.
Some other guidelines:
- Keep PRs clean, and only change parts that are relevant to your feature/fix. Different features/fixes are best submitted as independent PRs.
- Some unicode symbols can be used inline, but overall the goal of this is to demystify the equations commonly found in literature. Please use LaTeX SVGs, see the next point.
- Currently, equations are authored with this LaTeX editor, with SVG selected, and images are linked directly to the resulting URL.
- Also include the raw LaTeX as a Markdown comment directly below the image. Comments use the form:
<!-- comment -->
- Code should be syntax highlighted with
and follow this style guide. - Please try to maintain the overall writing style in any new changes.
Here is an example of how a new equation might look in LaTeX:

\frac{x^2-x}{x},& \text{if } x\geq 1\\
0, & \text{otherwise}
The rendered result: