I am a french software engineer currently working at @datadog. I've learn to code in 2013 with a Minecraft free CMS and I've kept working on side projects during my studies, the biggest one is @MineWeb.
- π Ex-42born2code's student from nov. 2017 to feb. 2018
- π¨βπ» Previously doing some Typescript and infrastructure at @keymetrics from feb. 2018 to sep. 2019
- π¨βπ» Previously lead core engineer at @reelevant mostly doing Typescript and some Rust from sep. 2019 to dec. 2023
- β Currently Senior Software Engineer at @datadog doing some Golang since jan. 2024
- Golang since 2024 (internal company projects)
- Typescript since 2018 (i.e. typoa, tgvmax bot and a lot of internal company projects)
- Rust since may 2023 (content engine using rust-skia)
- PHP between 2013 and 2017 (i.e. MineWeb, ObsiFight)
- C between 2017 and 2018 (i.e. 42 piscine, 42 workspace, 42 project)
- Some Java (i.e. PrestoDB pull-request, Pulsar Plugin for Apache Pinot), Golang (i.e. Pinot proxy), Swift (i.e. Reelevant iOS SDK)
I've used Redis, MongoDB, done some SQL on MariaDB, SQLite and Google BigQuery. And I've deployed and used Apache Pinot, Apache Pulsar and ElasticSearch.
I'm currently working with Git, Docker built via Github Actions and deployed on Kubernetes.
I've previously deployed Hashicorp Nomad and Hashicorp Consul via Hashicorp Terraform and used DroneCI as CI/CD.